*forest wars*

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Oliver POV:

We rode on hollow for some time, we left the village, and the green forest,

Now we were in a much more dark and denser forest.
The trees were thick and big, there was fog all over, and there were no noise of danger,

I sighed as we rode on.


"Ok" Conner said after a while,
It was night fall, and the crickets were chirping,
"Let's get some rest" we got off hollow and started to walk around until,,,,,,,


"WHO ARE YOU" something jumped from the bushes and knocked willow down,
"STOP, WE COME IN PEACE !!!" Conner said, as he dropped his spear, and raised his paws

The creature stepped off of willow, and took off their hood,

The creature was a magnificent fox-wolf breed, her ginger pelt gleaming.

(No joke they actually exist)

She sniffed and looked with her piercing stare,She wore: a tribe outfit, a dagger, a cloak and boots

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She sniffed and looked with her piercing stare,
She wore: a tribe outfit, a dagger, a cloak and boots.
"You, all, come with me." She rasped heavily, as she led us into the darker wood.


We followed not daring to make a noise.
"You, here." She instructed to all of us to go in a place where the trees were all in a circle,
This must be the: spirit forest tribe, I thought.

She strapped us with some kind of rope, and put them on are hands, sticking them together.
And she brought us to the center of the trees, then made us sit in a circle.

There was a big camp fire, in the middle of the camp, but then there were small caves all around the camp.

"ICħ'E Còčiree" she called, in an unheard language, at once meany tribe members began to come around us, all wearing the same tribe outfit.

"IKaIshÌ???" An old wolf asked in the same unheard language to the she- foxWolf.
"Eñ, ishaá" she replied
"Òhè, kockķ es, ìna" another wolf said

Then what must be the tribe leader, came out and silenced them.

"AĶLO, AS ISHA" he called out to everyone, then he jumped onto the big rock and started to speak

"Ohe, kolear, eț isķe ķa, ìn vațaru???" He asked the she-foxWolf,
"Eñ, esia" she replied with half a glance at us.

"KokDarh, kakistu???" He asked to her, his voice getting louder.
"Sa, ikke la souli, Eñ voilaki. Ka se sa." She replied calmly,
"Ah, ikkesuko, esia" he replied, starting at us

"Ashi, Kokkak Kolai, ALISAA, QUITEERÝ" he yelled as the tribe cheered.

What on earth was happening

🌺 to be continued..........🪷


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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