✳︎the death spirit's omen✳︎

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"AGH!!" Oliver was knocked down, almost unconscious, blood dripping down his forehead, blocking his vision.
He felt dizzy, before he fainted, the caught a glimpse of a skull with red marks.

"HEY, YOU BITCH. WHAT THE FUCK!!" Conner screamed. But to Oliver, he could not hear a word.

"WAKE UP!! OLIVER!!" Someone was speaking, no, shouting at him. He opened his eyes, they were in a shack of so sort.
His head hurt, his body was screaming. "Ach.. what.." Oliver stuttered as he got up. "Shh" said willow. "We're under attack, by the forest blood tribe." Robbin said weakly. "The fore-" Oliver trailed off, as a burning sensation in his chest began.

'It's you're fault'
'It's because of you'
'You shouldn't have gone into the forest'

His eyes watered, as his father's voice sounded him like fire. "Oliver.." said conner. "it's.." Oliver began as his breathing became faster, "it's my- it's.." oliver said in a hollow tone, all of his friends looked confused. "It's my fucking fault.." oliver finished.
"NO it's not." Conner replied angrily, as tears start pouring from his eyes, but Conner shushed him.

A few minutes later of hiding and silence, it now came to Oliver that they were in a shack, with meany weeds, moss, shovels, dirty glass pains, and a stable to some weird creature.
The weird creature had a completely black pelt, a skull mask with three small dots,(one on the forehead, and two for the eyes)
It had a dragon like tail, but with hooves of a horse, black wings, cow like ears, and big antlers.
"Hollow..!!" Oliver said, as everyone turned to look at him. "Hollow!!" Robbin said.

"Let's take hollow and get the fuck outta here!!" As soon as willow said this there was a crash from the window beside them

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"Let's take hollow and get the fuck outta here!!" As soon as willow said this there was a crash from the window beside them.
"B-but what about the village!?" Buster yelled as they ran to hollow. "We'll save them, but it looks like the king isn't doing his job, so we are going to. But if we die, then who will??" Conner said as he got onto hollow in a rush.

"Everyone on then??" Oliver yelled. He saw everyone nod, and grabbed onto conner's weights, blushing slightly.


"Ok, let's fucking go.." Conner said, as they all left on hollow.

They all knew that their life was gonna be hard..

*to be continued...........*


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