Friday march 22, 2024

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I don't feel like typing so I'll sum everything up.

It's fun Friday

We had a assessment for writing and if we didn't finish we had to submit like that and we had to write an essay but I finished it

We had an exit ticket thing in math and I didn't get it, I left it blank so I'll finish it on Monday cause we only had 5 minutes left.

In reading we didn't have anything interesting as well as in art

Social studies mt class was acting like a fool

In science we were just talking the whole class. I was talking to bridge and Sam about things.

The teacher asked us who had a dad in their life and KUNI didn't raise her hand cause she doesn't have one. She looked embarrassed but she always jokes about it.

I told her don't worry my cousin doesn't have one either and Josh stared at me horrified. KUNI was happy.

Oh we got our report cards. My lowest was 84 in math. I don't like that

Fun Friday we where in the cafeteria to watch the movie holes. I saw in 5th grade so I did what everyone else did and use their phones. I got my headphones and started watching bungo stray dogs there.

It was really funny . Oh we got popcorn and s'mores it wa so yummy

I saw this girl tweark on another girl it looked inappropriate and it made me uncomfortable.

Oh then for dismissal I was with Ashley, my childhood friend and KUNI and they yelled bye to me and said hi to my brother and my mom and dad were there too 😭

And yeah

This is one of the pics I took

This is one of the pics I took

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