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Shashi - Because I HATE HER.
Everyone are shocked.

Shashi - Did you all listen? Yes, I hate her. Her father, my brother got everything he wants and I was always left behind. Even the girl that I loved, loved him back but not me. She took my help to reach him, whereas due to her closeness towards me, I thought she loved me. But it never happened. He excelled in Business due to his wife. As she was from rich background. But I was left behind. I've been married to a poor middle class girl who's my father's friend's daughter. I became a halwai, whereas he became chairman of his father-in-laws company. Eventhough, I became successful and famous with my sweet shop, I was only referred as halwai, whereas he was addressed as businessman. I was unable to take it. He was getting everything without even expecting or wishing, but I didn't succeed in anything. They were happy in their lives, making mine hell. So, when I met him the other day in Mumbai, they were at the beach in Mumbai. That day itself I plotted to kill them all. I've failed the brakes of their car and they died in an accident. But, Khushi was saved. She didn't go with her parents. But, it's my good luck, because he made a note stating that all his property and company's rights and wealth will be shifted to Khushi when she reaches age of 25. So, I've adopted her. But everytime, I used to see her, I remembered her father, the betrayal of her mother. It used to kill me. That's why, to make her life miserable, I've accepted your alliance. I thought if you torture her, she would come back to me, and then after consoling her, I would take custody of her property by her signatures in that weak moment. But, it didn't happen. She hid the fact, that you threw her out of the house. She didn't inform anyone, and when I got to know, she was in Bangalore. I tried to contact her, but got to know that you have bribed the person, whom I've told to follow her. As you were behind her, I kept silent. Because you Arnav Singh Raizada, spoiled all my plan.

Everyone in the family are shocked. Arnav and NK are throwing daggers with their eyes to Shashi. How can a man be with this much jealous? How can he kill his own brother? How can he spoil an innocent girl's life, who's not at all responsible for whatever happened? Everyone looked at him disgusted.

Shashi pointed his finger to Arnav with anger - Because of you all my plan was flop. I've been planning all this from past 23 years and you've messed up everything. I'll not leave you.

Arnav stood in front of him, and slapped him hard on his cheek. Shashi stared at him with anger. Arnav held his collar and dragged him to one of the store rooms and locked him there. Garima and Payal are crying nonstop. Garima never thought her husband, who always used to be lovey dovey with her, never loved her and he's such a disgusted man. Payal was unable to digest the fact, that her father had done all this. She thought he changed. But he didn't. Anjali and Nani were in shock. Arnav goes to Shyam and Aakash and tells them to find Khushi at any cost, they go out from Shantivan. Arnav comes to Payal, and Payal looks at him, still crying.

Arnav - Payal, I need to talk to you.

Payal nods her head and follows Arnav.

Arnav, Payal and NK go to Arnav's room and he locks the door.

Arnav turning to Payal - What's this Payal? When you know everything, then why didn't you tell us? If you would've told before itself, we might have protected Khushi from all this. Why did you hide all this?

Payal - Arnavji, I really don't know all this. I only knew that my father is a worst human being. He's such a disgusting man.

Arnav - What do you mean?

Payal - One day, Amma went to her maternal home. And I and Khushi were having exams, so we didn't go with her. That day, I've witnessed true face of my father. I went to my friend's house, which is in the next street to bring a book of mine. And Khushi's is studying in our room. When I returned back to house.. then... then.....

She started crying hard.

Arnav - Then?

NK - Tell us Payal? What happened?

Payal - My father was drunk, Khushi was sitting at a corner of the room hugging her knees and all her clothes were torn. He... he.... my father... that man, he tried to rape Khushi.

NK - What?????

Arnav's anger raised to peaks and he punched the wall behind him. Blood is oozing from his hand.

NK - Nannav!!!

Payal gasped - Arnavji...

Arnav showed his palm oozing out of blood to them. His eyes were reddened and tears continously flowing down through his cheek.

Arnav - Continue Payal. What happened next?

Payal gulping - I ran to Khushi.... and hugged her and she hugged me back and cried hard. Seeing me he went away from house. Thank god, nothing went out of hand that day. He only tore her clothes when she was escaping from his hold, and I entered. That night when he returned, I questioned him, then he told me that his drink was spiked, and he was not in his senses when he did all this, he fell on Khushi's feet and cried for forgiveness. I thought to tell Amma about this, but Khushi stopped me, telling that she's not their own daughter, and maybe she will misunderstand Khushi that she's trying to bring rift among the family. I told it is necessary to tell Amma. But Khushi didn't want to see Amma broken. Hence she stopped me. Khushi even tried to runaway from house, I was scared she's only 15 then. Where would she go? And what if something happens to her? That's why, I promised her that I'll always be beside her. After that he never bothered Khushi, nor he never scolded her regarding any mistake she made, eventhough I never left her side. We thought he changed. But it took so many days for Khushi to over come that trauma. She used to just stay still, without talking to anyone, and not take her food properly. But however, I tried so much for her to overcome it. She suffered a lot in her life. And it's all because of my so called father. I'll not even call him as a father from now on.

Arnav with fast steps enraged with anger, goes away from the room, Payal and NK follow him. Anjali, Nani and Garima looks at him confused. Arnav goes to the store room and kicks the door with his foot, for 3 to 4 times with so much of force. That the door breaks. He goes to Shashi, holds his collar, and punches him hard on face.

Arnav - What kind of a man are you?? How can you do this to my Khushi? I'll not spare you.

Saying he keeps punching on Shashi's face continuously.

Garima - Please........... Please.............. please.....please...........stop....

Arnav without stopping, continuously punches him. Neither Payal or any others interrupted. Payal felt disgusted to even look at her father. Shashi's mouth is filled with blood and his nose is also bleeding, soon he faints. Arnav throws him on the floor and walks out.

When Arnav was about to go to his room, he faints on the stairs.

NK - Nannav!!!

Anjali and Nani - Chote!!

Payal - Arnavji....

NK goes to Arnav, lifts him up, brings him to his room and lay him on the bed. Payal, Garima, Nani and Anjali stand beside the bed.

Nani - What happened to our Chote?

Anjali and Payal keep crying looking at Arnav

NK - Nani, this is 4 th time, that he fainted. He didn't had anything from morning, he didn't even take his medicines. Upon that today he took lot of tension, as many things were revealed. Let him rest, he'll be fine. Better I'll call doctor.

Saying he calls doctor. And doctor arrives and checks Arnav. He gives him an injection and prescribes some medicines. NK goes down along with doctor to thank him, after when he returns, he was shocked to see Shashi not there in the store room. As the doors of the room were broken, he checked each and every corner of Shantivan, but he was not found anywhere. Shashi escaped.

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