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Manorama is standing with Payal beside her infront of Shashank, with Ajay, Khushi and Arnav on his right, and Shyam and NK on his left. Nani, Anjali and Garima are behind Manorama. and Aakash glaring at Payal goes to her.

Aakash - What do you think you are doing? You don't know anything.

Payal - Oh really. So you know everything right?

Aakash - Listen...

Shashank cuts him - I understand she is your mother, do you think any mother would think of killing her child? You tell me.

Aakash and everyone look at him stunned.

Aakash - What?

Shashank - If Arnav and Khushi had a kid? Would you try to kill them?

Aakash immediately without a second delay - Why would I do that? They would be equal to my kids. And what nonsense are you talking?

Shashank - Because your so called Mother did so.

Aakash was shocked, he looks at his mother, expecting her to tell that it is a lie.

Manorama - Aakash don't believe him. He is lying. Pleaseeeeee..... I'm your mother. And why are you believing their crap? Why would I do such thing?

Shashank - Yeah. You cannot do such thing. You might've killed my daughter, than making her go through all this. But, you are so much interested to torture her. Aren't you?

Manorama - Shut up. You are lying. And how are you even alive?

Shashank smirks - Why shouldn't I be alive?

Manorama - Because, I saw that you and she died in an accident.

Shashank claps and looks at Nani - Devyaniji, did you listen to this? When she doesn't have anyone in this world, why is she so eager for my death? Just think.

Saying Shashank goes away, everyone look at Manorama. Arnav is glaring at her in such a way, if looks could kill a person, she would be in grave by now. Shyam, NK and Payal are throwing daggers at her through their eyes. Khushi's eyes are pooled up with tears. She never thought Manorama would do such thing. Nani, Anjali and Garima are shocked listening to everything. Aakash isn't knowing whom to believe. And Sheetal is not at all understanding the drama. There's only silence in Shantivan.

Shashank returns with an old man in a wheel chair. And Manorama is even more shocked .

Manorama whispers - Papa.

Shashank takes him to her. Manorama sits on her knees. Taking his hands in hers.

Manorama - Papa...

But that man slaps her so hard. Manorama looks at him, holding her cheek.

Man - Don't you dare to call me that. This is Arvind Reddy for you.

Manorama - Papa, don't say it. I'm your daughter, your own biological daughter.

Arvind - Not you. Sameera was and will always remain as my daughter.

Listening to the name Sameera, Manorama gritts her teeth.

Manorama - Don't take her name in front of me. It is all because of her that my life turned upside down. If you didn't bring that bitch from streets, then...

Even before she could finish her sentence, Shashank slapped her tight.

Shashank - Don't ever think of bad mouthing my wife. Get that.

Manorama glares at him, holding her cheek. When she raises her hand to slap Shashank back. Arnav holds her wrist.

Arnav - Never in life Manoramaji.

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