Chapter 1: Billions will die

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"Unfortunately it seems that you have passed away……" 

As those words rang, Izuku felt his knees buckle.

So he did die…...he felt numerous feelings rush forward. 

He didn't know what to feel.

He wondered if he felt, Sadness?  Happiness? Stress? Relief? 

He didn't know what it was, it was a strange feeling.

He looked at the teenager before him once more "Is it true?" he asked. His voice feeling unusually coarse.

The teenager before him,  gave him a sad smile.

"Yes, unfortunately so" 

Izuku fell on his knees, finally...finally it had happened.

And he couldn't be more grateful it had happened. He felt a soft smile grace on his lips, he looked at the boy before him, his smile fell, right he had to face punishment, he was a sinner after all.

He closed his eyes ready to face punishment, ready to atone for his sins.

The blonde boy held a sad expression on his face.

But that expression changed as his face became more serious. 

The blonde boy walked forward, he walked as if he owned the place and it seems he did own the place.

His once friendly aura now turned more fierce.

Izuku knew he would be punished for his sins, and so he readied himself to face them.

"You have taken your own life." he stated.

Izuku opened his eyes and looked down.

"You have committed multiple sins"

Izuku continued staring at the ground expecting some sort of divine punishment.

"You shall be judged"






"But not right now, your life has ended a bit to early."

Izukus eyes widened as he looked at the teenager before him.

"You were not supposed to die and it seems you can still be of use, do I will send you on a mission." 

Izuku stared at the boy before him, he recalled the boy calling himself the God of God's.

"What mission?" he asked.

The teenager didn't answer right away as he walked slowly towards a chair that had simply materialised itself.

"A mission to save the world" he said slowly, he sat on the chair and and leaned back.

Izuku raised his eyebrow "Save the world?" he asked.

He was confused right now, what was happening, why was he given a mission instead of punishment.

He was no hero that deserved to receive such an important mission, no he was simply a failure.

The blonde boy chuckled at the boys expression "Yes, but not your world rather another world that seems to be nearing it's end." he answered.

Izuku shook his head "I refuse" 

The god shook his head as well "It's not optional" 

"I am not qualified for it!" 

"Yes you are" 

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