Chapter 3: Beacon.

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Vale was indeed a beautiful kingdom, the clear air, the greenery matched with modern buildings were quite a sight to behold.

And in the kingdom's clear sky, a bullhead flew as it carried multiple students who were trying to join Beacon, a prestigious school that was known by many.

And in the bullhead a certain girl was being suffocated in her sister's warm embrace.

The girl was none other than Ruby and her sister Yang was currently hugging her to death.

Yang was a tall girl, her sort of messy blonde hair going past her hips.

She was indeed a very charming girl with beautiful violet eyes.

Yang also seemed to wear clothes that... ..stood out.

The blonde had a huge smile on her face as she hugged her sister, Ruby.

Ruby on the other hand turned purple due to the lack of air.

Yang, not noticing her sister dying, squealed excitedly "Oh I can't believe my baby sister is going with me to Beacon. This is the best day ever. '' The girl said cheerfully while crushing Ruby.

The said girl mustered up all her strenght to speak "Shis sthop" the girl muttered weakly while she was barely getting any air supply.

The girl finally let go of Ruby "But I'm so proud of you" the yellow haired girl said with enthusiasm.

Ruby didn't answer right away as she was finally able to take in air, her purple face slowly changed back to their natural pale color "Really sis it was nothing" she said huffing in irritation.

The blonde gasped in a dramatic way "What do you mean it was nothing? it is amazing, Everyones going to think your the bees knees''

Ruby scowled at her sister "I don't want to be the bees knees, I don't want any kind of knees, I want to be a normal girl with normal knees' ' she said in an annoyed tone.

Yang raised her eyebrow "What's wrong with you? aren't you excited?" the blonde asked.

She huffed as her sister questioned her "Yes I am excited but I skipped 2 years and I don't want anyone to think I am special you know" she said finally expressing her feelings.

Yang stared at her sister endearingly "But you are special Ruby" she said as smiled at her sister.

As the two sisters conversed, our protagonist stood near the window, enjoying the beautiful sight before him.

"Everything looks so tiny from here." Ivan mused.

Izuku agreed.

His forest green eyes darted around, watching the landscape.

Ruby who was talking to Yang finally noticed that Izuku.

As she looked at the boy, she zoned out remembering last nights event.


Then her eyes met his, she saw it.

It was for a brief moment but she saw it. It was sadness.

Izuku quickly looked away.

Ruby was concerned, but she didn't speak.

Or to be more accurate she didn't know what to say.

The two walked in silence after that and soon parted ways.

Back to the present.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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