Chapter 2:School.

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Roman Torchwick was not having a good day.

He was chased all the way from the dust shop till the building he was currently standing on.

He tried to shake off the person behind him multiple times but it all ended in failure.

He gasped for breath as he turned around, his eyes meeting the forest green orbs once again.

Those eyes were dangerous, they were the eyes of a cold blooded killer.

Torchwick shivered.

Cold sweat dripped down his forehead, he took a good look at the person in front of him.

And he was surprised, he was distracted by those dangerous eyes, that he had totally forgotten to look at the person's face.

The person in front of him was shor. He had dark green messy hair, large round eyes and he wore a simple attire.

He appeared to be very young as well, perhaps only 17 at most.

He looked like your average teenager but his eyes said otherwise.

Those were the eyes of a veteran, the eyes of a person who had killed, the eyes of a person who had lost.

Those were the eyes of a person that had seen hell.

Torchwick chuckled as he shook his head "You must have had a heck of a past huh?" he said as he backed away.

There was no answer.

Torchwick backed away again slightly as he gripped his cane tightly.

Two glowing green orbs watched his every move.

Torchwick started backing away further and further.

Izuku usually wasn't the type to lose his cool so easily but when he saw how willing the criminal in front of him was to murder the girl, a few unpleasant memories jogged in his mind. And he hated that, blood lust and anger was basically seeping out of his frame. 

He watched the criminal back away, he shot out his black whip, aiming to catch the criminal.

The sudden movement caused Torchwick to panic as he picked up his cane and fired a shot again.

The green haired boy didn't seem worried though, it was if he could easily avoid the shot.

But before anything else could happen "Watch out!" a young feminine voice rang out.

Before Izuku could react, he was suddenly pushed by…..rose petals?

The green haired boy was confused as he tried to make sense of what was happening before realizing that a person was on top of him.

It was the same girl he had saved a few moments ago.

The girl looked at him, her beautiful silver eyes filled with concern.

"A-Are you okay?" she asked as she checked him for injuries.

Izuku just nodded as he stood up "Thank you" he muttered as he faced the criminal before him. His anger is fading.

He didn't know why, but the girl just seemed to calm him down a little.

Ruby started rapidly flailing her arms as she tried to deny the gratitude "N-No I should be the o-" 

Izuku interjected as he once more walked towards the man.

"Let's talk later, right now we have to take care of him" 

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