Shining eyes

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As I stepped into the portal, Eitan's concern was palpable. Without a moment's hesitation, he followed me into the unknown. Tamara, driven by instinct, leaped in after us, her courage shining through. However, Daniel, the pillar of maturity in our group, hesitated. He was our leader, the one who bore the weight of responsibility and concern. Yet, as the light from the portal illuminated his stunning blue eyes, he too made the brave choice to join us.

Once I stepped through the portal, I couldn't believe my own eyes. Before me stretched a breathtaking vista: a majestic waterfall cascading down from towering mountains, a rainbow arching gracefully through the puffy clouds, and a shimmering blue sky that begged to be admired for hours on end.

Just as I was stunned by the view, my gang appeared through the portal in the same order they entered. I couldn't help but chuckle at my brother's wide-eyed reaction. Tamara, ever the poet, began to wax lyrical about our surroundings. Daniel, despite his desire to admire the view, couldn't quite set aside his ego.

"What now?" asked Daniel angrily.

"We can stay calm and enjoy a moment of rest," I answered, smiling.

Daniel's anger flared, and he began to yell, "What do you mean, 'stay calm'? We can't just stay here forever! Our parents must be so worried!"

We all turned to Daniel, seeking answers on how we would return home. Daniel realized he needed to take charge and find a way back.

"We should set up camp here," he said, clearly disappointed by our predicament.

While Eitan and Tamara went to gather wood for a fire to keep us warm, I stayed with Mr. Grumpy, as Daniel had become affectionately known in our group.

It felt strange not talking to Daniel at all, especially after his outburst. The idea of initiating conversation with him felt awkward, as we had never really engaged in deep discussions before. Our interactions were typically limited to our reading rendezvous, where conversations seldom lasted more than a few minutes. In contrast, Tamara, despite her shyness, seemed to communicate with him more effortlessly than I did.

Daniel always struck me as too mature for our group, particularly in school where he excelled academically. Of course, I couldn't help but feel a sense of competition, knowing that I was one of the smartest girls.

The tension between us eventually dissipated when Daniel offered an apology for his earlier outburst. "I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier," he said.

"It's okay," I replied, attempting to keep the conversation brief to avoid any further discomfort.

"No, really, I am truly sorry. I'm just scared, and I don't know what to expect," he confessed, opening up to me in a way he never had before. It marked our first genuine, deep conversation, and my heart raced with excitement.

"It really is okay," I reassured him with a warm smile.

Eitan and Tamara returned, giggling over something that didn't particularly interest me. We gathered around the fire, and Tamara suggested we tell some scary stories. Eitan eagerly shared one of his so-called scary tales. As he spoke, I noticed Daniel's blue eyes shining more brightly than ever, contrasting with my own green gaze.After our earlier conversation, something felt different to me.

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