Is sorry enough?

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Cleo POV

Can't belive I'm sitting here ,crying. The last time I cried cuz someone yelled at me was my Father. My mom died when she had me . My dad loved me until I turned 11. After that I always got in to trouble for stupid shit. He always said that its my reason mom died,that I'm uslles ,that I should kill myself ,and always told me to shut the fuck up whenever i cried.Thats why Popes words hurt that much. I desided sto walk down the beach. I sat down on a rock. A guy came up to me and said " You okay?"
"Yea"I said smiling. "I'm Kelce". Kelce he is a Kook ,Rafes friend . I know Pope hates him."Im Cleo" "Like the girl from H2O?" he asked " Yes like her " I answerd. "You have a pretty name" " Thank you". He gave me his ig and left. I headed back home. I enterd the house and saw Pope sitting on the couch . When he saw me he got up and yelled " Where have you been, it's nine PM " " I went to a walk ,at the beach" I answerd. "And you didn't bother telling me" Pope yelled. I just sighed and went to bed.


I feel so bad ,I said those shit to kie . I was so angry I didn't even listen to her,fuck. She didn't come home last night,nither did Sar. I was worried ,she didn't answer my calls or texts , I kniw she is mad at me. Sudendly I heared the door slam.
"Is anyone home?" Its kie ,my kie ,she is okay. "Kiwi?"  " Hi JJ " I rushed and hugged her. "Where have you been ?"
"Surfing, needed to clear my mind". She didn' t even look at me. " Kie can we talk?" "Not now Jayj" "Kie.." " Not now" "I'm sorry " I said while some tears sliped away.


I could see JJ crying so I got down the stairs and kissed him the hardest I can . "Shh,it's fine" I said "I love you" JJ said "I love you too" I said while hugging him. When we sepereted from the hug ,an idea came to mind . "Wanna fuck?" I asked him .He just smiled. He picked me up and we went to our room. He put me on the bed and we started kissing. He took my shirt and shirts of .So I was just in a bikinni. I took his shirt off and started kissing me. He took my upper bikinii and started liking my breasts. I was whining ,I was holding back moans. I turned him over so I was on top of him. I took if his shorts and his boxers. His dick was free and he was so hard. I rubed my finger on top of his dick a few times,and he started moning . I did it again but faster ,he moaned, then I did it with my lips,he moand ,and moand. It was so hot seeing him like this ,so swetty moaning my name ,it was music to my ears.


Kie was touching my dick which made me moan, she did it faster and I moand faster,then she did it with her lips,and it was the end of me . I was moning her name ,I was about to cum and she was just laughing. She enjoyd this ,but so did I. I turned her over and took her bikinni off . She was naked. I started kissing her everywhere,she was holding her moans which made me go faster,and faster . A few moans excaped her . Kie moning my name made me even more hard . And the I put my dick inside her .She just moand,I did it again,and agian. She was moaning.
"Jayj don't you dear stop ,go faster I wanna cum today"she said while kissing me. "Got it maam" I said while going faster. She started griding herself on me. "Needy ,aren't we" I jooked . She laughed and moand. I stoped she just pushed me on my back and started riding me. I moand. I didn't understand how her little pussy fit around my cook. Jookingly I said" Thats it's Kiwi ,you were made for my cook". After an hour we stooped and went to sleep.

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