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I woke up after a wondurful night. But JJ wasn't here so I texted him

                My dumb blondie

Me: JJ where are you?
JJ: Im surfing with Pope.
Me: Tell Pope when he comes back Im gonna beat the shit out of him👊🤛.
JJ: He says he isn't coming home💀.
Me: Wheres B?
JJ: Sleeping with Sar.
Me:What? When?
JJ: Idk
JJ: I gota go ,I'll text you when were done surfing.
Me:Ok ,love u
JJ: Love u too🩷

Ok so now I will go to Cleos and eat breakfast. I arive at Cleos and see her watching ST and eating toasts. "Heyy" I said noking on her door "Hey Girlll!" "What happend with Sarah and B?" "I don't know" we talked while eating. I told her what happed with JJ and she told me what happend yesterday after she left.


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