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Sarah POV

We were all at the bonfire dancing ,drinking except Cleo and Pope. Cleo was sitting on a rock while Pope was laughing with Tiffany the bitch. I hate her so does Kie and now Cleo too.

Cleo POV

I was sitting looking at Pope dance with that bitch Tiffany. As I wasabout to go get a drink someone said "Where are you going?" I looked and saw Kelce. "Oh ,hii I'm going to get a drink then leave" "How about we dance a bit and then get a drink?" I just smiled and we went to dance. I saw Pope looking at me like 5 times but I didn't care. After dancing we went to get drinks Kelce said to follow him and that he has something cool to show me. I tought he was about to show me a Star or a boat ,but.....

Pope POV

I saw Cleo dancing with someone . I looked better and it was Kelce ,the kook. They danced and I kept my eyes on her. Untill she left somwhere with Kelce and I followed them. I came to see Kelce trying to get Cleo to kiss  him. He was touching her ,she tried pulling away ,but he tried kissing her again. When I saw Cleos tears that triggered me . I went over to him and punched him. "What the fuck " he said looking at me . "If you try touchig her again ,I will kill you " he just ran away. I looked at Cleo who was going to the dock. She sat down ,and so did I. She was shivering. I gave her my hoddie because she was in a crop top from like plastic?!?? "I don't needed" but i still put it on her. "Thank you for saving my dumb ass" " You don't even have to thank me" she smiled " I'm going home,bye" "Wait,I'll go with you" I said looking at her "No, have fun " she said " Nahh,enough fun for today" she just smiled. And we left this bonfire

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