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It was night time when Rody finished his shift and went to call Manon but even so, He was still inside that phone cabinet as he gripped on the handset tighter along with the letters and the picture he took from Vincents office each time the voicemail could be heard, he was getting desperate and anxious as he felt his throat get dry..something was wrong...VERY wrong..but alas Rody couldn't figure out what exactly yet he would not stop calling her.

4 calls......

6 calls............

then 8 calls.....................


[ Your call could not be connected. Please call again or try again later. GoodB-]

And just with that Rody groaned loudly as he smashed the handset against the booth repeatedly before breaking into a sob, leaving the handset once again on the booth, this time gently not even caring if he accidentaly broke it or not before getting onto his knees, grabbing the letters and the picture tightly as his hands were shaking while he placed it all on the ground with his hand on it while letting tears roll down his cheeks, hanging his head down as he looked at those papers as he let his brown-gingerish hair get into his face, crying quite loudly but since the cabinet was sound proofed it couldn't be heard.

Where could Manon be? Did Manon not love him anymore? Did she forget about him this quickly?

So many questions yet so little answers.

He spent there on his knees for so long he could bearly feel his legs but Rody was too emotionally hurt to even care about his own physical pain. Once he felt himself slightly calmer he sighs shakily  as he then picked everything up and left the cabinet and walked back to his rusty old apartment, his eyes and face red and wet from all the crying, thinking what could he possibly do next...

And then he had an idea: Enough calling Manon, he will go there physically and talk to her face-to-face, he had the adress so Rody didn't lose hope! He would never...not if it's about his beloved Marieanne Vacher aka Manon.

Sure he had the information he needed to track her...but he needed even MORE money to be able to get to her, he groaned as he regretted leaving his job and thought where the heck could he get a new job and start all ove-

Suddenly Rody stops as he remembered Vincents and his last conversation before he left, when he told vincent he was quitting and what he told him with an upset look: "...Well the position's still available if you need."

Even if he hated working there and felt uncomfortable around Vincent due to those nightmares he must take that job back. For Manon.

Rody rushed to his apartment holding the letters tightly ; once he arrived he run in and left everything on the table before taking the magazine where Rody got the phone number to contact the restaurant and talk to Vincent the first time, Rody would be lying if he didn't found his voice intimidating yet attractive..It was tired and deep yet very calming. However just by hearing his voice for the first time he guessed Vincent would be a cold man.

Rody found the number easily since it was at the back of the magazine and circled in red along with the job position he wanted. There was other two positions for being a cook (which obviously Rody couldn't do that) and a Kitchen-Helper but Rody found that boring and poorly paid...That's why he chose the waiter position, it was well paid and he could do it even if it wasn't his dream job. Rody was that  desperate for earning money.

Ma Chérie, Are You Missing Me? [] DeadPlate FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now