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Darkness and Silence.

Two things that people tend to fear and get uncomfortable, most likely enough to bring someone insane. No, I don't mean darkness such as turning off the light of your room or the silence between a person who you have never talked to before. Sure both things can bring you some sort of paranoia...but I'm straight up talking about the feeling of being trapped in a room with nothing in it apart from the void and complete silence to the point you can hear your own blood flowing.

This is how Rody was feeling at the moment due being knocked out, he was breathing and alive but his body was not responding or feeling the pale light of the bistro on his face or clothing..neither the cold floor.

However this feeling lasted short for Rody, as he slowly opened his eyes. It all seemed blurry at first but the ceiling seemed ..different. He groaned slightly as he gently rubbed his eyes and looked again, his eye sight getting better but his eyes were still half-closed as he took another look at the ceiling and as he did so, his eyes widen realising he wasn't at the bistro anymore...It was Vincents apartment. He could recognize that vintage looking ceiling anywhere, including how dark the room was even if the light was turned on in which wasn't enough to brighten the room.

He also noticed he was on that uncomfortable red couch that he surprisingly didn't find it uncomfortable now that he was laying on it. Rody kept looking around also as he then noticed he had a bag of ice on his cheek where he got punched which was swollen and head where he bumped his head...He sat up with a groan and held his head since it felt like someone hit his head with a hammer, dropping the melted icebags to the floor. Rody processed what was happening and how he ended up here as he looked at the glass table infront of him, also noticing how he wasn't wearing his rollerblades.

He stood like this for awhile until suddenly a voice came from his side, distant but obviously in the same room as him which made Rody turn his head towards the direction where it came from.

─ "Good morning, sleepyhead"

Vincent said sarcastically, looking coldly at Rody as he wore his black sweatpants and also a black turtleneck. He was holding a glass of wine with one hand, swirling it while leaning against the door frame that was the entrance to go to the kitchen.

─"Huh...Vince?..Wh..What happened?"
Rody asked as he held his head slightly, tilting his head while looking at him with slight pain.

Before Vincent explained, he took a gulp of his wine and walked into the room fully and stold next to the couch where Rody was sitting, looking at him with the cold gaze and serious looks plastered on Vincents face.

─ "You thought It was a great idea to give me a fright while I was cooking, and when you did so, my impulsions led me to punch you.. and because you were wearing your stupid rollerblades ──he said annoyed while pointing at them, making Rody also look. They were by the entrance ── you fell backwards and hit your head against the floor"

He took a sip of his wine while still looking at Rody, before he sighs and kept talking.

─ "And since I didn't want to let you in the kitchen all by yourself since I don't trust you around there, I took you up here."

Rody rubbed the back of his neck with a chuckle.

─ "Gee...I'm sorry for startling you...just wanted to surprise you I-..didn't think I would end up with a swollen cheek!"

He said with a soft nervous chuckle while looking away.

─ "hmpf. ── Vincent let out a slight huff as he looked away, swirling his wine a bit to not spill it ── If this happens again I will leave you in the bistro the whole night."

Ma Chérie, Are You Missing Me? [] DeadPlate FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now