kio cyr

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You're a sway house member.
Your brother is Noah Beck.
You're home alone with Kio.

I was wear my very short two piece nighty because it was laundry day. The top was a cropped top and the bottoms were revealing and my boody was showing.

It's very hot today but I have to cover myself with a blanket incase someone walks in.

I would walk around in this thing but I hate my body. I love the fact that I have a fat ass tho. I have big boobs. They aren't perky tho. I have thick thighs, cellulite, stretch marks and a pudgy tummy.

I was in my room scrolling through tiktok when kio barged in my room.
"Have you ever heard of knocking?" I asked him. "I'm boreeeddd." He said and threw himself on my bed.

I have to mention something. I'm into kio. No I don't have a crush on him, he just makes me feel... things.
I am tempted to tell him but I'm scared.

"Go play video games or something." I said pulling the blanket closer to me.

"Why do you have this thing It's hot." Kio said. "No it's not." I said. "You're literally sweating." He said. "No I'm not." I said pulling the blanket closer.

Kio quickly pulled the blanket off of me and I gasped. "Kio!" I yelled. He stared at my body and I felt self conscious. I quickly got up and grabbed my throw blanket from my bean bag and wrapped it around my body.

"I- uh uh." He stuttered
"I- uh uh." I mocked him.
"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable by staring but damn your body is gorgeous." He said and I blushed. "Why do you always cover up when you have a perfect body?" He asked. "I don't have a perfect body, Charlie and Dixie have perfect bodies."

"Well I think you're perfect." He said walking over to me. "I have to tell you something." He started. "Yeah..." I urged him to go on. "I've always had this thing for you. I didn't know if I liked or I wanna have sex with but now I know. I really like you." He said and my eyes widen. "I understand if you don't feel the-" I cut him of by smashing my lips against his. He kissed me back and wrapped his arms around my waist. I ran my fingers through his silky black hair.

He pulled back from the kiss and looked down on me.
"Does that mean you like me too?" He asked. I smiled at him and nodded my head. He pulled me into a deep kiss that ended up a makeout session.

Kio picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He laid me on my bed and took his shirt off. I sat up and removed the blanket from me and laid down. Kio got on top of me and kisses my neck. He sucked on my sweet spot and I let out a moan. He sucked harder on the spot and I'm pretty sure he's gonna leave a mark.

"Kio." I moaned. "Mmm?"
"I want you." I said. "Say no more." He got up and took of his pants and boxers. I couldn't help but stare at his huge dick. I took of my top and my shorts leaving me in my panties.

He got on top me again and we made out. He pulled back and pulled down my underwear.

"Are you sure you want this?" He asked and I nodded. "Use your words baby." He said. "Yes I'm sure." I said.
He grabbed his dick and rubbed it against my folds teasing. "Kio." I whimpered and he chuckled. He slowly entered me. I let out a loud moan as he stretched me out.

"Fuck, baby you feel so good." He said thrusting at normal pace. "Faster." I moaned. Kio sped up his pace and I cried out in pleasure.

He pounded into me harder and I tried suppress my moans by biting my lip.
"Stop that. I wanna hear those pretty noise coming out of your mouth. I want everyone to hear how I make you feel." He said and I stopped biting my lip. Damn this man.

I clawed his back and wrapped my legs around him as he went faster. The room was filled with moans, my screams, skin slapping, and the bed moving.

"We're back!" I heard Griffin shout.
"Ignore them." Kio said.

I felt a knot build up in my stomach and I knew my orgasm was coming. "Kio." I moaned. "I'm close." I breathed out. "Me too." He said.
After a few more thrusts I released all over his dick. "Fuck, kio!" I screamed in pleasure.

I'm pretty sure the others heard me but that didn't stop kio. He went faster but soon slowed down. He pulled out and came on my stomach.

"Woah that was amazing."

We cleaned up and went downstairs. "You guys sure had fun while we were out." Bryce said. "Go hang yourself." I said and went to the kitchen

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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