~Finding out~

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Lunar and Earth were completely oblivious. They were in the daycare cleaning up, waiting for Moon and Solar to come back from checking doing whatever it was they were doing.

"Ugh! When are they coming ba-" Lunar was cut off by the daycare doors opening and Moon walking in with oily tears in his eyes, Sun was behind him, tears also in his eyes, Solar nowhere to be seen. Moon walked right past them, grabbing the rope and going up to his room.

Sun stopped in front of the two, who were silent the whole time as it's been a long time since they've seen moon cry. "Sun, what's going on? Are you two ok?" Earth asked. Sun was about to answer before being cut off with the question he had been dreading the whole time.

"Where's Solar?" Lunar had asked. Sun took a deep breath in, even if he didn't need to breath, it definitely helped a bit.

"Lunar... Earth... I'm sorry.." Sun whispered, his voice sounding more quiet than ever, making the other two concerned.

"Sun, what do you mean? Where solar?" Lunar asked, more frantically than before, not really understanding what he meant. Earth seemed to understand though, her eyes widening and tears begining to form in her eyes.

"Y-you don't mean..." Her voice faded off, not wanting to think about the worst. Solar was fine, he had to be! He was strong!

"I'm sorry Earth, it's exactly that.." Sun responded. The tears that had Formed in Earths eyes began to fall. Lunar was still very confused was even more concerned.

"What happened? Someone tell me!" Lunar demanded, turning to Earth and looking for some sort of explanation.

"Lunar, Solar is... Gone..." Earth tried explaining. Lunar eyes widened, he turned back to Sun. "That isn't true. It can't be, right? Right?" He asked, tears starting to run down his eyes as he frantically looked around, hoping for this to be some sort of prank.

"I'm so sorry Lunar. Ruin, he- he did something to- I don't really know how to explain it, maybe once moon calms down he'll be able to explain." Sun tried explaining. He was never really that close to Solar but he still cares about him.

After that Lunar quickly ran out of the daycare, running off somewhere, probably to the theater, or the room Solar stayed in.

"Sun, why don't you go rest, I'm sure we all need some. I'll go check up on lunar." Earth said, going ahead when Sun nodded.


Thats all! Hopefully it's actually good, it's kinda rushed because I'm meant to be cleaning my room.

Words: 439

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