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Solar, his Sun, and his Moon!

Solar opened his eyes, looking around him to see nothing but Darkness surrounding him. Wasn't he just with Moon and Sun and- Ruin...

Solar quickly remembered what had happened. Ruin had made his dimension collapse, but now the question was, where was he? All he could see for miles is darkness.

He got up and dusted himself off before noticing two figures nearby. They looked like Sun and Moon but different..? The one that looked like Moon was looking at the one that looked like Sun that had a smile as he talked. That is until he noticed that they were his Sun and Moon.

He immediately started backing up, frantically looking around for something to hide behind, but it was all just darkness. He wasn't scared of Sun, but he definitely was for Moon.

As he backed up he trip on his own feet and ended up falling with a loud Thump!

The loud noise attracted the two animatronics attention. The moment Sun saw him he ran towards him. "Eclipse!" He cried out as he pounced Solar with a hug.

Moon on the other hand stayed silent, glaring at the mechanic before looking away, he didn't want to talk to Solar right now.

Solar froze when he heard the name 'Eclipse'. 'is Sun talking to me? Is Eclipse here?' Solar thought, looking around to see if Eclipse was really there. 'Oh, right. My name used to be Eclipse'. Solar had completely forgot his original name, and wasn't really used to being called that anymore.

He quickly snapped himself out of his thoughts and hugged Sun back. "S-Sun, i'm so sorry..." He whispered, his face shoved in Suns shoulder.

"It's ok, brother, you did nothing wrong" Sun said, rubbing Solars back.



"My name isn't Eclipse anymore." He whispered silently. Sun gave him a confused look. "What? Isn't that your name?" He asked in confusion. Moon looked back at them, getting a bit closer, clearly curious but trying not to show it.

"After running away from our dimension, I went to a dimension where the Eclipse there was evil, I didn't want anything to do with him so I changed my name to Solar." He explaining.

"O-oh, well. I guess welcome to the void, Solar." He said, moving his hands around and gesturing to the darkness around them.

Sun had noticed Moon getting closer to them and patted the ground beside them. Moon sat down next to his twin, glaring at Solar.

"So, Solar, what have you been up to?" Sun asked, trying to get rid of the tension.

Solar started talking about what has been happening in the dimension he was in, and then started talking about his family, adding how wonderful and amazing they were and how he wished he could see them again.

That came off slightly weird to Moon and it made Sun slightly jealous. Moon found it weird cause he couldn't believe any version of himself would care about an Eclipse, Sun got jealous because he couldn't believe that Solar was spending time with another version of him.

Sun hid his jealousy and kept listening to what Solar was talking about. He was Happ that he found animatronics that cared about him, he was especially interested in this 'Earth' animatronic, she seemed nice.


Words: 559

Solar one-shots (S.A.M.S)Where stories live. Discover now