~You Can Sew!?~

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✨Solar can sew✨ (and make clothes without having to sew)

Sorry for not posting in a while! I was grounded for a bit and my motivation has been on vacation for a while! But hopefully it comes back to work soon!


Solar was in his little room, it was very empty and a bit depressing. It wasn't like he lived in a house like everyone else, he slept in an empty storage room that wasn't being used. There was an empty, dirty mattress in the corner near a charging port so his back didn't hurt when he woke up, there was his toolbox in another corner and a picture of the whole celestial family on it. There was also a small cabinet that held many different types of fabrics and other things for sewing and other things.

He was working on sewing a dress Earth had asked him to make. It was a pretty pink sparkly dress with some poof to it. Earth had been quite excited when she had found out Solar knew how to sew and then asked him to make her a dress. He may have lied to Moon about not dabbling in sewing but that was only because he had panicked and just blurted it out.

He had been so focused he didn't hear the footsteps heading towards him or the doors opening.

"Solar?" A voice broke Solar out of his focused state, making him jump in surprise, not expecting anyone to walk in. He hurriedly turned his head towards the door only to see Moon there. Solar started panicking a bit as Moon stared at him in slight surprise, looking at Solar and then looking at the dress he was making with a shocked look.

"I- Moon! Hi- hello! Hello best friend that I love very much! Brot- I mean, cousin!" Solar stuttered out in a hazy mess. He stood up immediately, trying to cover the dress and the parts of the dress he had been working on, but he wasn't very successful because of the way his body was made.

"Solar, you know how to sew, and you didn't tell me? Didn't you say you didn't know how to sew? Or something like that?" Asked Moon, walking up to Solar and looking at what he was sewing, seeing how professional it looked.

"I-i'm sorry, Moon.. When you asked I panicked a bit and blurted it out a-and I didn't really think about it when I said it!" Solar explained, continuing to speak. Moon noticed how Solar was stuttering a lot, he had started stuttering since the first sentence he said which was unusual for him. The usually monotone animatronic was now a nervous mess.

Moon didn't understand why but he guessed it had something to do with Solar's Moon. Moon had heard a bit about the other Moon, he heard that he had been very abusive, both emotionally and physically. It did worry him slightly and Moon had made sure that if he could help it, not yell near Solar or make any gestures that may seem like he was going to hurt Solar.

"Solar." Moon interrupted after noticing Solar was still speaking. "Your fine. Its alright. Ok? Please don't think too much about it." Moons voice had a more softer, comforting tone to it. He had grabbed Solar's hand in a comforting way, giving it a squeeze to try and calm Solar down.

Solar finally calmed down and looked down in slight shame. His rays that had never moved had finally retracted slightly.

"So, what is all this?" Moon asked, trying to change the subject. He moved one of his hands to wave at the dress. His other hand was still intertwined with Solar's.

Solar looked up and his rays went right back to normal, he looked behind him before smiling slightly. "Oh, Earth asked me to make her a dress." Solar's voice went back to his normal monotone tone.

Solar kept speaking about everything he knew about sewing, Moon listening intently. He would occasionally ask questions and smiled when Solar answered enthusiastically. It seemed to Moon like the first time he'd seen Solar this happy. They were still holding hands as they spoke, both smiling happily. Solar's rays kept spinning and retracting, they had never really done that before and Moon couldn't help but stare at them. (No homo, I wish-)

The rest of the night was with them talking and talking in a happy chatter.


I love these two so much- I love any interaction they have tbh, romantic or platonic, idrc! I just love them! This was mostly platonic, no homo! Though if you want you could think of it like a ship

Words: 769

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