The fearing king

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I looked around seeing the building destroyed rubble everywhere and my servant fleeding or dead the man behind this reinhard a man that previously helped with surviving

As i was running around the castle i bumped into emilia behind her was a nearly dead reinhard barely struggling to live "Subaru I know what you did and I don't care how many you killed i love you!

A crack could be heard time seemed to stop for me i saw myself... leaving Emilia due to lack of trust in her no one would forgive me for that right?

I looked at my hands at my blood stained hands the iron like smell going through my nose the smell couldn't go away no matter how much i washed myself i looked at her and back at my hands and decided i will not be bounded to distrust my only Love

I hugged her back reinhard slowly walking in our direction before he could reach us he collapsed infront of us we walked past him i kicked his head into to the ground

"DAMN YOU NATSUKI SUBARU YOU SHOULD ATTONE FOR YOUR SINS COME BACK" reinhard screamed at me i turned my back with emilia in hand i heard a thud as reinhard tried to stand back up

As we ran we hold hands tightly reinhards words ringing through my ears as i thought about how he maybe right i shook my head can't think about that right now

I ran through the building dodging falling depris jumping to side with emilia she looked at me and smiled

I couldn't smile back it wouldn't look right i have tried when i smile i just look like a sadistic bastard which isn't too far from the truth but still

We entered my office looking around i saw a painting of me the secret exit in case of a emergency i rip off the painting of the wall and threw it to the side climbing into the tunnel with emilia i can't help but be glad i got outta there unscaved

*thud tap tap tap* thats what i heard before i was attacked by ram she threw a right hook which i then promptly blocked with my right arm shattering the bones in it it would've hurt if I could still feel pain he could still use it and thats what matters

"I WILL KILL YOU NATSUKI SUBARU!" She screamed before round house kicking me i blocked my self from the attack before judo throwing her onto the ground she rolled away then proceeded to strike Emilia with a kick to the side making her unconscious

"EMILIA!" I screamed out but while my attention was focused on her ram delivered a uppercut on me nearly destroyed my jaw I decided to go on the offensive grabing her head and smashing it against my ankle while she was stunned i smashed her against the wall

She shortly recovered and proceeded to give me a elbow blow to the face then hit me with roundhouse kick shattering my ribs

I have dealt with worse i can still fight were the thoughts that ran through my head a part of me knows I won't win anymore but the long lost part of me hoped for a miracle to happen

I recovered quickly and threw a onslaught of attacks by grabing her leg then throwing her to a wall then proceed to attack her with a right hook then uppercut her then smash her face into the wall

She coughed up alot of blood and her entire face was covered with my and her own blood

I collapsed. My body couldn't go anymore its lost the ability to like its lost the ability to feel anything expect despair and paranoia

She took the opportunity to choke as i lost my breath and my life i look at emilia trying my hardest to touch her hands one last time before i died i managed to hold her hand

I lost my consciousness and thus my life as i floated around in the void knowing return by death isn't going to work anymore he felt a embrace a warm embrace such as emilia i look to it was and it was emilia? No it wasn't it was her. It was The witch of envy satella

The embrace didn't last long before i was transported to a room with same color as the the void i was just in

"Natsuki subaru" a voice spook out it wasn't a person and it came from all directions "Who are you?!" I yelled out at the voice "what i am or who i am is not important what is important is what im going to order you to do"

"What i want you do is simple im going to bring you back to life in a another world similiar to your original and i want you to opperate in a school in japan as a reward i will have your beloved join you later in the school year as a student" the voice spoke out

"What if i don't want you ask?" i asked the voice
"Then i shall not let you see her again and you will be forced into eternal loneliness in this void"

This how it happened
This how i was forced to join school again

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