V1:Personality conflict

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I looked at my hands drenched in blood infront of me beatrice with a sword plunged in her i ripped it out and she fell to the floor i looked at her and back at my hands i fall down on my knee's

"What have i done... I didn't... i-" i heard a voice behind me

"you killed the only one who helped you apart from reinhard and your being all sad about it pathetic truly." The figure laughed at me

I looked behind me to only see me this the dominant part of me the part that has developed cause of my distrust

"What you don't look happy to see me? Maybe I should take out a camera you know what they say smile for the picture haha."

"Tch damn bastard" i replied to his remarks

"Don't be mad at me im you even tho I truly hate you your holding him back,the only thing that keeps him slightly sane the goody two shoes your the reason why he doesn't exactly act like me im so charismatic and your just ehh. "

"What do you want in the first place just let me grieve alone." I replied again at his remarks

"You don't recover at all tho whats the point of "grieving" when all you do is act the same."

"Your insane you know that right."

"Who else is gonna stop him from being a crybaby like you just sit down and leave everything to me."

"What so you could do the same you did in lugnicia fat chance go bother someone else you annoying fuck."

"Bother who its only you and me you think the happy guy is still around Pfft."

"What is this exposition in a book fuck off."
He walked away from the door i looked at Beatrice dead body the color never changing even not when dead

My eyes slowly opened allowing the light in from the outside its my first official school day guess i groggily woke up going to take a shower when i come outta the shower i saw the fog created by the heat

I put on my clothes which I honestly disliked these clothes feel so officish like they're peparing us for a office job or something i mean ANHS is the highest rated school in japan I don't think anyone's bound to get into a job unless

The classes did prove a purpose other then the lower test and exam passing scores i shaked my head i must be over thinking it i mean its just class names nothing else

I started brushing my teeth and I pondered why would the government and the school spend so much money on this school like they're going to make it back

What if they won't make it back it in money nessecary i stopped my train of thoughts as i grabbed a piece of beard and put in my toaster I then started brushing my hair i looked myself in the mirror and all i could see was my empty eyes thats what any normal person would see too but beyond that...

I finished and heard the toast pop out the toaster i grab some cheese and tomatoes and put it on my toast i put the other piece of toast on it then proceeded to start eating

"Aren't i supposed to say thank you for the food eh who cares im the damn person who made it" i thought outloud would people think im wierd for that I don't think so

I walked out of the door of my dorm and entered the elevator "funny to see you here again." The Orange haired boy said with those same uncaring eyes "be honest with me do you even care about having a conversation with me?"

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