SS. 2

52 1 8

While i looked at the list i saw Cecilus throwing the expensive red whine bottle that i payed premium for why did i pay premium for something that could be bought cheaper and still taste the same to me? cause im rich thats why.

"Cecilus, put down the damn bottle before i have you outside the carriage expending your energy to keep up with us."

I looked at him sternly he just looked at me before smiling a bit he put down the bottle

"Subaru-san im bored,there's nothing to do but wait in the carriage and look at the scenery the nature looks quite stale after seeing tree variant NO.400."

He pointed outside the window with a 'see what im talking about?' Look

"If your that bored. it'd be better for you to be running after us"

I opened a book that was next to me the entire time the book name was called 'The history of lugnica by ...'

Now that i think about it this could mean the white whale's fog erased him maybe im jumping the gun a bit there but come on the "..." was a dead give away

"Oi Cecilus do you know people with experience with the white whale other then wilhelm?"

I asked him with a curious look one I don't give alot

"Well i- uhh well no sorry..."
He looked at bit down just when i show him a side of me he doesn't get to see a lot he can't answer

"Welp i had a feeling always have to ask hey hanni-"

I stopped when as i heard a voice
"You have been invited to the witches thee party"

My body slumped forwards as i lost consciousness i immediately got caught by Cecilus who was the closet to me

I looked around quickly analyzing the place im in the place is garden there's a person under the umbrella with a tea cup

"Did i startle yo-"

She was cut off when I instantly threw a knife to her teacup and lodging the knife into the table

"Wait wait im not a threat i am echidna the witch of greed!"

She frantically said with a bit of worry in her eyes she wasn't expecting that i assume

"Please calm down and sit down with me to have some tea."

She poured some tea for me while having a cold sweatdrop fall from her forehead

"You expect me to not to be instantly hostile? You sent me to unknown location expecting me not to do anything im pretty sure my reputation is the guy who likes killing poeple

I sat down either way it would be rather rude not to

"You don't look frightened at all people wouldn't just sit down after hearing my name, your different you don't fear death do you?

She looked at me with curious eyes expected from the witch of greed a person so greedy for knowledge and immortality

"You wouldn't kill a guest right? Would be rather poor manners."

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