Too Inflated

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I visited Jessica's home to return the book I had borrowed from her

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I visited Jessica's home to return the book I had borrowed from her. There was no answer despite knocking twice, even though her car was in the garage and the lights were on. I then heard strange noises inside the house, which worried me. As a result, I decided to enter the house through the back door.

I jumped over her fence and went to the backdoor that led to the kitchen. Luckily, the door was unlocked. I said 'Excuse me' before entering. In the kitchen, I noticed that the place was empty. However, I heard a loud banging noise and a strange "hisss" sound coming from the second floor. So, I slowly went up to the second floor to find out where the noise came from. I found the source of the noise behind a room labeled 'Jessica'. I knocked on the door, introduced myself, and asked if everything was okay. Jessica responded,

"John? Is that you? I require some assistance here!"

I opened the door quickly and was shocked by what I saw. Jessica was lying on the floor, her body looking abnormal. Her stomach was swollen, about the size of a yoga ball. Also, her thighs, buttocks, and chest seemed to have expanded. She was wearing only athletic clothing made to fit her larger size - a pink sports bra and shorts. She looked at me and...

"John! Don't just stand there! Please help me turn off the air tank! I cannot move!"

I quickly went to the air cylinder, which had fallen far away from her, and turned it off. Jessica felt embarrassed and blushed. After that, she spoke with John.

"I don't know how to say this... But can you please help me up? Oh dear! Why did you come here at the wrong time? I feel so embarrassed!"

I comforted Jessica and reassured her that she was okay. I helped her stand up by supporting her chest and lifting her slowly. Despite her unsteadiness, I asked her some questions and returned a book that I had borrowed from her.

"Oh, thanks for reminding me about the book! I just need a moment to catch my breath. Damn, I'm a bit too big to move on my own. Thanks for helping me up. I like to blow up when my parents go on long trips. I feel lonely when I have nothing to do at home except eat, sleep, read, and play. Although I enjoy these activities, my desire to push myself to the limit has led me to overindulge. As my body has got bigger and bigger, I wonder if there is any more room to grow. I mean, I look like someone who has eaten three Big Macs! Still, I feel like my body is fun and airy *giggle*"

I reassured her that she could still increase her size. Her physique may not be quite enough for her desired body type.

"Do you find this sort of thing attractive? I mean ... you're a boy and you're attracted to someone as tall as me?" she asked.

I admitted that I was attracted to her appearance when we were in the same class. We now attend the same college. Before her weight gain, her size was beyond my imagination and preference. I secretly admire her, which is why we are friends. I am grateful that we were assigned seats next to each other on the first day.

"Thank you, John. It's hard to find people who accept this kind of thing these days".

Jessica asked for help finding her limit, so I suggested inflating herself in the living room. She said she had two more tanks in her closet, which I retrieved. I then assisted Jessica in relocating, directing her movements by holding onto both of her arms.

Fifteen minutes later, she finally descended the stairs. I sat on her living room sofa and watched as she inflated herself. Two air tanks were already set up, and the hoses were plugged into her anus, ready to inflate her. She looked at me with hope in her sparkling eyes. She took a deep breath and started the tanks. She turned the valve on the tank, and the air began to flow in. The cold air streamed through her body and settled in her belly. Gradually, her belly grew larger. Her face began to ache, and she almost cried, but she remained determined to inflate herself. I stood up and approached her, assisting her in massaging her belly. She took my hand and together we massaged her inflating belly. She felt pressure building up in her intestines, but it is decreasing now, and her belly can hold more air.

Her belly is not the only thing growing; her thighs, breasts, and bottom are also increasing in size. When her bottom almost knocked over the tanks, I helped her move forward. She felt comforted and grateful for my assistance in inflating herself beyond her limit. Lastly, I cannot control my arousal.

My dick nudged her stomach and she felt it lightly. She looked at me and licked her lips. "You like balloon girls, don't you John?" She flirted with me. "If you like, I'd like them to fill me too!"

Her huge belly, almost the size of a fridge, knocked me to the floor. She became more aggressive and the sexual tension increased. As I removed my trousers, she removed hers. Her huge thighs made it difficult for her to remove her trousers. By the time we were both undressed, my dick was hard and ready to ejaculate a lot of fluid. The giant balloon, Jessica, drifted towards me. She faced me and allowed me to penetrate her vagina while she was still inflated. She felt the pleasure and excitement and we had aggressive intercourse. Her belly swelled to the size of a car and teased me further. I was overcome with lust and finally penetrated her. I ejaculated a lot of semen, filling her vagina and giving her immense pleasure.

The situation was chaotic as Jessica's body expanded. Her stomach grew bigger due to the liquid and air being pumped into her. She showed signs of arousal, sweating, and making an 'O' face. Jessica felt her body getting hotter, tighter, plumper, and bigger due to the amount she had taken. She is becoming a human balloon filled with semen and air and about to burst at any moment. An hour later, the tanks finally emptied, leaving Jessica in a gigantic condition. She leaned against the wall, her bloated body almost filling the entire room. I snuggled on top of her, and she seemed comfortable. She overcame her limit, and her belly, though gigantic, was tight and sensitive. She had to control her breathing carefully. Jessica admitted to having feelings for me, but she was afraid I would leave her if I discovered her obsession. So, we decided to take our relationship to the next level. 


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