Playing With The Big One

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Elza walked through the park, her pregnant belly swaying gently with each step. She couldn't help but marvel at how far she had come since discovering she was expecting her second child. As she sat down on a bench, she looked around, taking in the beauty of nature and feeling grateful for the incredible journey she shared with her husband, Louis. It was hard to believe that they were about to welcome another bundle of joy into their lives. Elza felt an overwhelming mix of excitement and nervousness as her third trimester began.

Elza smiled as she listened to Louis share his excitement at the impending birth. "I know, babe. I can't believe we're going to have two little ones running around," she said, placing a hand on her swollen belly. "Have you thought of any names?"

Louis nodded, his eyes bright with anticipation. "Yes, I've tossed around a few ideas. How about we name our new addition after your mother, Vanya?" he suggested, his voice filled with love and admiration for Elza's mother. Elza's heart swelled with emotion at the thought of honoring her mother in such a special way. "That's wonderful, Louis.

I think your mother would be thrilled too," she replied, her fingers tracing gentle circles over her rounded belly. "We still have some time to decide, but I like the sound of it."

Elza and Louis rose from the bench, their hands intertwined, as they finished their conversation. "Let's go home," Elza said, trying to contain her excitement at seeing her two children together. "Jacob will be out of school soon and we can continue discussing baby names then." 

Louis nodded in agreement and gave Elza an affectionate smile. "I can hardly wait to see him and hear your thoughts on the names," he said, supporting her as they returned to the car. As they drove off to pick up Jacob from the kindergarten, Elza couldn't help but feel grateful for her wonderful family and the incredible journey ahead of them. She knew that with love, support, and lots of laughter, they could face any challenge that came their way. Two weeks later, Elza was pacing worriedly in her living room, her hands clutching her huge stomach. It had been two long weeks since she'd been 39 weeks pregnant, and there was still no sign of contractions. 

The doctor had said they should expect the baby to arrive this week, but so far nothing had happened. Louis tried to remain calm and supportive, but he could see that Elza was becoming increasingly worried. They had tried everything the doctor had recommended to induce labor - spicy food, squatting, even using a yoga ball - but nothing seemed to work. Finally, after another unsuccessful attempt to induce labor, Elza threw up her hands in frustration. "I don't know what else to do," she cried, tears streaming down her face. "I just want to meet our baby!" Louis wrapped his arms around her and held her close.

Louis gave her warm advice and reassured Elsa. "Maybe we can find another way. Just be patient, darling, she'll get out". Louis' words seemed to comfort Elza and she leaned into his embrace, wiping away her tears. He was right; they just had to be patient. As another week passed with no sign of labor, Elza became increasingly frustrated. Her belly continued to grow, pressing against her clothes and making it difficult for her to move. Despite the discomfort, she remained determined to meet her baby as soon as possible. Louis could see the stress taking its toll on her and decided to take matters into his own hands. 

 "Hey, why don't we try something different?" he suggested one day, a mischievous twinkle in his eye. "Maybe if we do something crazy, it'll get the labor going." Elza raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite her frustration. "Like what?"

"Let's see," said Louis. All of a sudden, young Jacob comes into the room and says to his mother "Mummy, you look like that cartoon character I saw on TV. You look like a balloon!" 

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