Chapter 9 - Nasty little thing

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Warnings: sex, sex language, kissing, Different positions, daddy Yeonjun, Quicky, explicit explanation, naked touching?- I dont know, what else😅MINORS DO NOT INTERACT

“Oh sorry, that was a reflex.” I said before opening my hand. However, Yeonjun didn't let go of me.
“Do you really think you have to apologize for that? Don’t forget that we already had a lot more physical contact.” Yeonjun said when I looked at him again. He wasn't entirely wrong, but holding hands seemed a bit too cheesy...right? Yeonjun looked away again as warmth rose to my cheeks.
That seemed to embarrass me more than I thought. It was a kinda weird feeling holding hands with him. But it also felt…I don't know…childish good?
Yeonjun led me to a broadly built man in his mid-40s who was standing in front of a door where I could hear music behind.
Yeonjun picked out his phone, typed something on it and showed it to the man. They exchanged a few friendly words in which Yeonjun didn't let go of my hand.
It didn't toke long before the man opened the door behind him and invited us in.
Yeonjun pulled me through the door and down a small hallway that was dimly lit. The next door he opened let the loud bass become present. I recognized a lot of people who were already dancing extensively. Yeonjun pulled me into the rather large hall, as if he'd know this club for centuries.
The dance floor was full and flooded with changing light, while three steps led to a brighter level with sofas and tables. There was also a huge bar here with lots of people working behind it. I liked the music straight away, I was actually a huge K-Pop fan but I couldn't really relate the song to anyone. Yeonjun led me through the party guests standing in front of the bar to one of the sofas where three young men were sitting. As one of the boys looked up, Yeonjun let go of my hand.
“Taehyun! You’ve outdone yourself again.” Yeonjun greeted the young man with Chocolate brown hair, black T-shirt with white and red writing and a silver chain, who then stood up with a smile. The two hit each other's hands before hugging each other shortly. The other two young men had also stood up and greeted Yeonjun, while my gaze shifted to the man whose name appeared to be Taehyun.
He smiled warmly at me. His smile was incredibly inviting, so I couldn't help but smile too and give a slight bow. As I looked up the young man seemed to want to say something, but…
“Taehyun-Sumi, Sumi-Taehyun. And this is Soobin and Beomgyu.” Yeonjun said, putting an arm around Taehyun's shoulders and pointing at the other boys while saying their names. The two boys next to Yeonjun also smiled at me and slightly bowed. Wow, the three of them were quite huge...and to be honest, really handsome. The biggest one, who seemed to be Soobin, had such full and fluffy black hair that my eyes were stuck on them for a moment.
Hopefully not to obviously.
“Where is Huening?” Yeonjun asked Taehyun afterwards and pulled my view back to him. I had no Idea who Yeonjun meant. But I'll probably find out soon enough.
“He is on his way. Do you two want to drink something?" Taehyun gave in response and then looked back at me.
“I wouldn’t mind.” I said and Yeonjun also nodded in agreement. He let go of Taehyun and came towards me. “I'll be right back." Taehyun said to the other two as he followed Yeonjun. The boys made their way through the crowd and I just followed them to the bar.
When we got to the bar I looked at the menu hanging on the wall above the bar. There were a surprising number of drinks there, so I tried to get an overview of what was on the list for my taste.
Before I could even choose one drink, Taehyun, who was standing in front of me, turned to me.
"The first soju shot is on me.” He said with a smile on his lips and handed me a small glass that appeared to have soju in it.
Yeonjun also turned back to me. All three of us had a small glass in our hands.
"Well then cheers for a good night!" Yeonjun cheered and hold his glass a little upwards. His gaze was on me and the corners of his mouth pointed upwards.
I smiled at him briefly before I raised my glass too and looked at Taehyun, who was already starting. Yeonjun and I followed his example.
I loved soju, it was alcohol where you didn't have to worry about it burning your throat. The soju even tasted like strawberries.
I licked my lips as the glass was empty and I lowered it again.
Taehyun quickly took the little thing out of my hand and turned to the bar.
However, Yeonjun remained turned towards me, which drew my eyes to him. He just looked at me. Not a muscle in his face twitched.
"What is it?” I asked and Yeonjun took a step towards me. I instinctively leaned my head back as he got a little too close.
I promptly felt his fingers under my jacket on my bare waist.
"It’s warm in here.” He simply murmured before his hands slid to my shoulders to remove the jacket, his eyes following his movement. I quickly grabbed his forearms as his fingers began to tickle me.
"It's fine, I know how to take off a jacket." I joked and pulled his hands away from me, which made the corners of Yeonjun's mouth turn down briefly. In fact, he didn't do anything about it and lowered his hands before I took off my jacket.
"Here!" A voice said before I looked up and saw a beer can held against Yeonjun's chest. Taehyun was holding a beer can himself as Yeonjun toke the can that Taehyun had clutched to his chest.
Shortly afterwards, Taehyun's eyes flew to me. He looked me over and his eyes stayed on my jacket in my arms.
"Come on, I'll show you where the cloakroom is." He said and his big eyes wandered back up to me before he looked at Yeonjun.
"And you take care of that horniness!" He warned and I burst out laughing, which I quickly covered with my hand. Yeonjun looked at Taehyun in surprise, but before he could respond, Taehyun ran to me, grabbed my upper arm and pulled me with him.
I just stumbled after him through the crowd. When Taehyun noticed that I was following him, he let go of my arm. On the dance floor level, the bass seemed to vibrate clearly into my body. The green, red and blue lasers made the dancing crowd become one as I followed Taehyun to the edge of the crowd.
My gaze was transfixed on the crowd and the need to join them grew within me.
Luckily, I averted my gaze from the crowd before I could walk into a counter where Taehyun had stopped.
A nice young woman with a nose piercing smiled at me and held out her hands for my jacket, which I immediately handed to her. She handed me a small blue chip with a number on it and disappeared with my jacket into a room as the music behind me got even better.
I put the chip in the butt pocket of my jeans and turned around as the crowd started cheering and jumping up and down wildly.
"Where do you come from?" I heard a voice in my ear as the lights became a danger of epileptics. I looked to my right where Taehyun was standing, who seemed to have asked the question.
"From South Korea…” I answer after leaning towards him a little. Taehyun started to laugh briefly.
"Yes, I know it’s hard to believe, but my parents moved here from Germany before I was born.” I gave him a second answer. And Taehyun started nodding with his mouth open.
"Okay, that explains a lot." He called out to me before he started moving and I quickly followed.
“How do you know Yeonjun?” He asked further as I caught up to him.
"Oh...long story, let's just say we've known each other for a long time, didn't always get along well, but recently he became much nicer.” I said and Taehyun looked at me with a small laugh.
We arrived at the steps that led back to the bar area when Taehyun spoke up again: "Yes, you have to know how to deal with Yeonjun, but he's really okay."
I just smiled as I stopped at the bar again. At least I still haven't had a drink, yet.
"Would you like me to tell you something?” Taehyun asked, apparently noticing that I had stopped.
"What?" I asked as my gaze shifted from the drink menu back to him. Taehyun took a sip from his beer can and then raised his index finger.
"If you want him to be after you, make him jealous. Always works." Taehyun said and I raised an eyebrow.
"Yeonjun has already dragged a lot of girls to my parties and I found out something...", he came a little closer to me, "...he likes to be kept on his toes. He gets bored easily, so you have to play that card every now and then.”
“Make him jealous?” I asked and Taehyun leaned back with a nod.
Hm actually, what he said didn't sound that unusual. The statement fit Yeonjun.
"Maybe you are right." I said and let my eyes wander back to the drink menu.
"I've known him for 5 years, you can believe me." Taehyun said and I looked at him in surprise. For 5 years? Then how come I've never seen Taehyun around Yeonjun before?
"Yes...I believe you. But how do I make him jealous?" I asked and Taehyun looked away as if he what thinking.
"Talk to everyone at the party except him... mostly with boys." Taehyun said with a grin on his lips. I had to laugh before I looked away from him again.
Not a bad idea at all.
I had already discovered that I liked teasing Yeonjun.
"Are you already taken to dance?" I asked and looked back at Taehyun, who was taking another sip from his can.
"I? No not today...why?” He asked after he swallowed.
I nodded: "Want to dance?"
Taehyun's eyes widened slightly.
Otherwise I wouldn't have asked anyone so quickly if they wanted to dance with me, but Taehyun's thought sounded really tempting. I also felt like he was a nice young man I could trust. So why not?
"Uh...yeah why not, it's for a good cause." He said with a smile and I started to nod. "Cool, thanks." I replied before choosing a fruity cocktail and ordering.

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