-Keefe's Frustration-

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A/N: Welcome to my new SHORT STORY :D. Hope you like it. 

Keefe's POV: 

I couldn't help but let out a soft sigh as I watched Foster stumble over a loose cobblestone on the pathway at Foxfire. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she righted herself, flashing me that apologetic smile of hers that never failed to tug at my heartstrings. It was like she had this magnetic pull, drawing me into her orbit despite my best efforts to keep at safe distance.

Sophie was a whirlwind of clumsiness and charm, a rare combination that made my heart flutter in ways I couldn't quite explain. And yet, she seemed oblivious to the effect she had on people, especially on Fitz, her oh-so-perfect boyfriend who was too busy admiring his reflection to notice the genuine warmth in her eyes.

Every time she stumbled of fumbled, Fitz would always offer a nonchalant shrug or a dismissive comment, never bothering to offer a helping hand or a comforting word. It was as if he saw Sophie's clumsiness as a burden, something to be tolerated rather than embraced.

But I knew deep down that Sophie deserved more than just tolerance. She deserved someone who would cherish every part of her, even the imperfect bits. And that someone, I fervently believed, was me. Though I had never mustered the courage to confess my feelings to her, seeing Sophie with Fitz made me yearn to be the one who caught her when she fell, quite literally. I could always see the hurt in her eyes, the way she longed for someone to truly understand her.

Yesterday for example, we were playing Base Quest, the sun was shining and everything seemed perfect. Until Sophie decided to trip over a tree root and tumble to the ground. I could hear her yelp of pain as she hit the dirt, and my heart clenched with worry.

"Are you okay?" I asked, rushing to her side as she slowly picked herself up, rubbing her scraped knee.

Fitz, her ever-protective boyfriend, was quick to dismiss it. "She's fine, just a little scratch. Nothing to worry about," he said with a reassuring smile, brushing off the incident like it was nothing.

I clenched my fists, trying to hold back the anger bubbling inside me. How could he be so cold, so callous? I could see the hurt in Sophie's brown eyes, the silent plea for someone to care, to make it better. But Fitz just walked away, leaving her to deal with the pain on her own.

That moment solidified something inside me. I couldn't stand by and watch Sophie suffer, especially not when it was clear that Fitz didn't truly understand her. I made a silent promise to myself that I would always be there for her, no matter what.

This wasn't nothing to me. Every time Sophie got hurt, it felt like a dagger through my heart. I couldn't stand to see her in pain, couldn't bear the thought of anything happening to her. And the fact that Fitz seemed so nonchalant about it only added fuel to the fire burning inside me.

I often found myself standing on the sidelines, an unwilling spectator to their relationship. Fitz was like a polished marble statue, all smooth edges and cold demeanor, while Sophie was a messy masterpiece, full of quirks and imperfections that made her all the more beautiful in my eyes.

But despite my frustration with Fitz's indifference and Sophie's obliviousness, I couldn't help but care for her deeply. She was like a fragile butterfly, fluttering through life with a reckless abandon that both terrified and fascinated me. And as much as I wanted to protect her from the world, I knew that she was a force of nature that couldn't be tamed.

I knew I shouldn't let it bother me, that Sophie was capable of taking care of herself. But deep down, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy. I wanted to be the one she turned to when she was hurt, the one who could make her pain go away with just a smile or a silly joke. But it seemed like no matter how hard I tried; I was always second best in her eyes.

Every day I found myself growing more drawn to Foster, entangled in the web of emotions that threatened to consume me. Also, the ache in my heart grew heavier. I watched as Sophie's light dimmed slightly under the weight of Fitz's indifference, and it pained me more than I cared to admit. I longed to show her that there was someone who saw her for the radiant soul she was, someone who would never take her presence for granted.

On another day all of us were gathered for a picnic, I watched Sophie trip over a fallen branch at Havenfield, my heart clenched with frustration. Fitz, her boyfriend, barely spared her a glance as he continued walking ahead. "Come on, Sophie, you're fine. Just brush it off," he said without a hint of concern in his voice.

The same fire feeling ignited in me, like the day we played base quest. I wanted to be the one to catch her when she fell, to be the one who cared for her when she needed it the most.

Again, I could see the pain in Sophie's eyes, the disappointment that Fitz didn't even bother to check if she was okay. It pierced me deeply because I knew what it felt like to care for someone so much and yet not have your feelings reciprocated in the way you longed for.

When Fitz walked on without a second thought, I stepped forward and offered Sophie my hand.

"Let me help you up, Soph," I said, my voice tender and filled with a warmth that I had kept hidden for so long. Sophie hesitated for a moment, surprise flickering in her eyes before she accepted my hand. As I helped her to her feet, I felt a sense of purpose wash over me, a determination to be there for her in a way that Fitz never could.

Sophie had always been the light in my darkness, the hope that shone brighter than any star in the sky. Her smile could chase away the shadows that lurked in the corners of my mind, and her laughter was like music to my soul. I had harbored feelings for her that ran deeper than friendship, but I never had the courage to confess them, especially when she seemed so happy with Fitz.

I knew I had to keep my feelings hidden, buried deep beneath a facade of friendship. I knew she wasn't ready to hear them yet. Besides Sophie trusted me, confided in me, leaned on me when she needed a shoulder to cry on. And I cherished those moments, even if they were bittersweet reminders of what could never be.

Beneath the surface, the longing in my heart only grew. I yearned to tell Sophie how I truly felt, to confess my love for her and hope that she felt the same way. Yet, the fear of ruining our friendship held me back, keeping the words locked inside me, burning like wildfire.

I wanted to make it my mission to watch out for Foster, to be the friend she could rely on no matter what. Whether it was lending her a shoulder to cry on or joining her on her quests to uncover the mysteries of the Lost Cities, I was there by her side, steadfast and unwavering in my support.

She deserved someone to help ease her pain even if it's a little bit. I knew it was time to step up a little more. I couldn't stand on the side to witness the pain in her eyes. Breaking my heart every time, watching Fitz's careless attitude with her.

This needs to change starting now.  


Since this is a short story, it will be completed pretty fast.  

Updates: Mondays and Wednesdays

However, NEXT week I won't be updating this story until THURSDAY or FRIDAY. As I will be out of town. 

"Hey ice queen, what's will all the terrorizing. Why don't you pick on someone your own temperature." (Chat Noir)

Keep Being Cool


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