-Sophie's Frustration With Fitz-

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Sophie's POV: 

I walked down the sun-kissed path hand in hand with Fitz, I couldn't help but feel the weight of his expectations pressing down on me. His mere presence seemed to intensify my clumsiness, turning my every step into a potential stumble. Yet, each time I faltered; his disapproving glance pierced me like a sword.

"Fitz, I'm sorry," I muttered, my cheeks burning with embarrassment as I tripped over a loose pebble.

He let out an exasperated sigh. "Sophie, can't you be more careful? You're always tripping over something. It's getting embarrassing."

His words stung, but I pushed down the hurt, forcing myself to smile. "I'll try harder, Fitz. I promise."

But deep down, I knew that my clumsiness was ingrained in me, a part of who I was. I tried to brush it off with a laugh, hoping he would see the humor in it too. Yet, his expression remained stern, disapproving.

As we reached Foxfire, me and Fitz walked in together, his irritation still palpable. I tried to let it go, focusing on the pleasant sound of the chatter of prodigies that echoed towards us. Sitting down at a table in the Cafeteria, I gazed around the school watching the bustling of students walking around and chatting amongst themselves. I tried to lose myself in my surroundings. Ok fine I may or may not be trying to find Keefe to save me.

But Fitz's voice snapped me back to reality. "Sophie, you need to work on this. It reflects badly on me, you know?"

His words cut through me like a knife, and I felt a surge of frustration bubbling within me. Was my clumsiness truly such a big deal? Couldn't he see past my imperfections, see the person I was beyond my tendency to trip over my own feet?

"I'm sorry, Fitz," I said, my voice tinged with a hint of defiance. "I'll try to be more careful, but please don't make me feel like I'm constantly failing you."

His expression softened slightly, but the tension between us lingered like a storm brewing on the horizon. We sat in silence, the awkwardness hanging heavy in the air.

As I looked around for my favorite disheveled blonde elf, I couldn't shake the feeling of inadequacy that gnawed at me. No matter how hard I tried, it seemed like I could never live up to Fitz's expectations. The weight of his judgment bore down on me, suffocating me with its intensity.

But as I looked around the cafeteria, my eyes fell on a group of friends laughing and chatting animatedly. There was a lightness in their interactions, a sense of acceptance and ease that seemed so elusive to me and Fitz. I envied them, yearning for that same effortless connection.

I turned to Fitz and excused myself to go put some stuff in my locker, I jumped at the excuse to escape his disapproving gaze. But as I walked away, a wave of determination washed over me. I wasn't going to spend another minute pretending to be something I wasn't just to please him.

Instead of heading to my locker, I made a beeline for the one person who had always accepted me for who I was - Keefe. I found him leaning casually against his locker. His mischievous grin greeted me as I approached him, and a sense of relief washed over me. Here, with Keefe, I could let down my guard and be myself without fear of judgment or criticism.

Despite the tension that always seemed to exist between Fitz and Keefe, I knew that Keefe was the one person who wouldn't judge me for my clumsiness. "Hey, Foster," he greeted me with a warm smile. "What's up?"

I hesitated for a moment before pouring out my frustrations to him, recounting the incident with Fitz and my growing insecurity about my own shortcomings. Keefe listened intently, his eyes reflecting genuine empathy. "You know, you don't have to change who you are for anyone, Sophie. Fitz should accept you for all of your quirks, clumsiness included," he reassured me, his words a soothing balm to my wounded pride.

As we talked, I couldn't help but admire Keefe's easygoing nature, his ability to lighten any mood with his charm and wit. In that moment, I felt a sense of relief wash over me, knowing that I had a friend who accepted me unconditionally, faults and all.

Meanwhile, what I didn't know is that Keefe couldn't shake off his own frustrations with Fitz's behavior. His protective instincts flared up as he watched me recount the incident, a frown marring his usually carefree expression. Deep down, he harbored feelings for me that he knew he shouldn't entertain, especially considering my relationship with Fitz. But seeing me hurt stirred something within him, a desire to shield me from anyone who made me feel small or inadequate.

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the break, I thanked Keefe for his comforting words and turned to leave, a renewed sense of determination stirring within me. I couldn't change my clumsiness overnight, but I could learn to embrace it as a part of who I was. And if Fitz couldn't accept that, then maybe it was time to reevaluate our relationship.

Later that day, as I walked with Fitz through the academy courtyard, I felt a sense of unease settling in my stomach. I could sense his impatience with my every step, his eyes constantly scanning the ground as if searching for potential obstacles. And then it happened.

I stumbled over a fallen branch, my heart lurching as I felt my balance slipping away. Fitz was by my side, but instead of reaching out to catch me, he simply rolled his eyes in annoyance. I braced myself for the impact of hitting the ground, but to my surprise, I never did.

In the next moment, I found myself cradled in Keefe's strong arms, his steady gaze meeting mine with a mixture of concern and warmth. A wave of relief washed over me, knowing that in his arms, I was safe and accepted just as I was.

"Careful there, Sophie," Keefe's voice was a soothing melody in the midst of chaos. His warmth enveloped me, and for a moment, everything else faded away. I glanced up to see Fitz standing a few feet away, his expression a mix of annoyance and indifference.

As Keefe helped me regain my balance, I felt a newfound sense of clarity wash over me. I knew then that I needed to prioritize what made me truly happy, even if it meant facing difficult choices. Fitz may have been the safe option, but Keefe was the one who made me feel truly alive.

With a resolve burning in my heart, I turned to Keefe and smiled gratefully. "Thank you," I whispered, knowing that this moment would be a turning point in my life. Keefe's eyes sparkled with understanding, and I felt a sense of peace settle over me.

As I looked back at Fitz, I knew in that moment that I deserved better. I deserved someone who would love me for who I was, clumsiness and all, someone who would catch me when I stumbled and never make me feel like a burden.

And as Keefe gently helped me to my feet, a renewed sense of strength and self-worth blossomed within me.

We decided to walk together leaving Fitz behind. I knew that I was finally stepping into a place where I didn't have to hide my true self. With Keefe by my side, I felt confident, strong, and unapologetically me. And for the first time in a long while, I felt truly free. 


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10 Chapters


"Birds of a feather flock together ACHOO." (Chat Noir)

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