-Ritzy Drama-

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Keefe's POV: 

In the bustling corridors of Foxfire, the vibrant colors of my locker painted a stark contrast to the monotony of the surrounding students. My heart quickened as I saw Sophie approaching, her radiant smile lighting up my entire world. With her eyes sparkling like the stars above, she greeted me with a warm hug that melted away all my worries.

As she began to pull away, preparing to join Biana, Linh, and Marella, a sense of longing gripped my heart. I couldn't bear the thought of letting her go just yet. With a playful grin, I reached out and caught her arm, pulling her back gently into my embrace.

"Come here, you," I whispered, delighting in the way her laughter filled the air like music. Leaning in, I pressed a soft kiss to her lips, savoring the sweetness of the moment. Sophie's eyes sparkled with affection, her hand reaching up to caress my cheek in a gesture that spoke volumes without a single word.

As Sophie walked away, Fitz appeared before me, his eyes filled with anger and resentment. I could sense the tension brewing between us, the unspoken rivalry that had simmered beneath the surface for far too long. His words cut through the air like a knife, accusing me of stealing Sophie away from him. Sophie, the girl who captured my heart and filled my world with light.

I stood my ground, my own eyes flashing with defiance as I defended Sophie, now my girlfriend. Fitz had no right to speak of her in such a cold and demeaning manner. How could he treat her like she needed to be perfect, like she existed solely to make him look good? My fists clenched at my sides, my blood boiling as Fitz's words echoed in my mind.

"She doesn't need to be perfect, Ritz Cracker," I snapped, my voice cutting through the tense silence between us. "She's not here to make you look good or to bear the weight of your expectations. She's her own person, and you have no right to treat her like she's less than worthy."

Fitz's jaw tightened, his own anger flaring as he retorted, "She's making me look like a fool when she trips, Keefe. She needs to be more careful, more aware of her actions. She's representing me, and she needs to act accordingly."

I shook my head in disbelief, a bitter taste filling my mouth at Fitz's callous words. How could he be so blind to Sophie's true worth, to the radiance of her spirit and the kindness in her heart? I took a step back, my gaze sweeping over Fitz with a mix of sorrow and disappointment.

Without another word, I spun away on my heel, the echoes of our argument fading behind me as I strode down the hall, my thoughts consumed by one person alone. Sophie. The very thought of her brought a smile to my lips, a warmth spreading through my chest at the mere memory of her beauty and grace.

I rounded a corner, my eyes scanning the bustling hallway for any sign of Sophie's familiar form. And then, there she was, standing by her locker, her eyes brightening as she caught sight of me. In a heartbeat, I closed the distance between us, scooping her into my arms and spinning her around in a dizzying whirl of joy.

"I love you, Foster," I whispered, my voice filled with sincerity and devotion. "You are perfect just as you are, and no one has the right to dim your light or dull your shine. You are my world, and I will always stand by your side, no matter what."

Sophie's laughter filled the air, a melody that soothed my troubled soul and lifted me to new heights of happiness. In her eyes, I found my reflection, my true self mirrored back in the depths of her gaze. Together, we were unstoppable, a force of love and unity that surpassed all obstacles in our path.

"Foster," I began, my voice filled with emotion, "you are the most beautiful person I have ever known. Every time I look into your eyes, I see a universe of possibilities, a world where love knows no bounds."

Sophie's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue as she gazed at me, her expression a mix of astonishment and delight. Her delicate features seemed to glow under the sunlight, accentuating the golden flecks in her eyes and the strands of her flowing blonde hair.

I continued, unable to contain the words that had been longing to escape my heart for so long. "Your smile, Foster, it lights up my world like a thousand suns. In your laughter, I find solace, in your presence, I find home. I love you more than words can ever express."

Tears shimmered in Sophie's eyes as she wrapped her arms around me, holding me close as if afraid to let go. In that moment, time seemed to stand still, the world around us fading into oblivion as we basked in the warmth of our love.

As I held her close, the world around us faded away, leaving only the two of us in a bubble of shared happiness and unbreakable bond. Fitz's angry words were nothing but a distant echo, overshadowed by the overwhelming love that flowed between Sophie and me.

His words of resentment lingered in the air, but they no longer held power over me. I had found my truth, my strength in loving Sophie for who she truly was, imperfections and all. And as we looked to the future, I knew that our bond would only grow stronger, a beacon of light in the darkness, a love that would never falter.

I couldn't help but admire the way her eyes sparkled in the dimly lit corridor, reflecting the love and adoration I felt for her. Sophie was more than just my girlfriend; she was my partner in crime, my confidant, and my best friend. Together, we had faced the challenges of the Lost Cities and emerged stronger, our bond unbreakable.

As we shared this tender moment, time seemed to stand still around us. The hustle and bustle of Foxfire faded into the background, leaving only Sophie and me in our own little world. I could see the love shining in her eyes, mirroring the love I felt for her with every fiber of my being.

I couldn't help but marvel at how lucky I was to have Sophie in my life. Her strength, intelligence, and unwavering support had carried me through some of my darkest moments.

I gently brushed a stray lock of hair away from Sophie's face, marveling at the softness of her skin. In that moment, I realized that she was not just my girlfriend; she was the one person who truly understood me, who accepted me for who I was, flaws and all.

And so, as we stood there in the hallway at Foxfire, lost in each other's embrace, I made a silent vow to cherish every moment with Sophie, to love her with all my heart, and to never let her go. Together, we would face whatever challenges lay ahead, secure in the knowledge that we had each other, now and forever.

As the world outside continued to spin, Sophie and I stood still, wrapped in our own little bubble of love.

In the end, it wasn't about stealing or winning. It was about finding a love that illuminated the depths of our souls, a love that was pure, unwavering, and true. And as Sophie and I walked into the sunset, hand in hand, I knew that our story was just beginning – a story of love, of growth, and of finding our place in a world that often tried to tear us apart.

In that moment, as the world spun on around us, I knew one thing for certain - Sophie was not just my girlfriend. She was my heart, my soul, and my reason for being. And no one, not even Fitz himself, could ever come between us or tarnish the light of our love.  


*There will be two chapters again on Wednesday. +An Authors Note. 

"For your information I can smell camembert in my sleep, its only one of many talents." (Plagg)

Keep Being Cool


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