Chapter 3

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Author's Note: 

Hey, guys, so as you noticed... this episode is more or less a retelling of the first Shrek movie with some of my own twists added in. I tried to get the dialogue and action as accurate as much as I could but sometimes some of the scenes are so fast paced that it's hard to process it all at once. Anyways, I hope that you like this chapter and I'll have another one out very soon. Depending on what else I decide to add, there's going to be at least another chapter or two left and after that I'll be moving on to the next episode, which will be featuring Courage the Cowardly Dog. However, it's going to take me a little while to figure out what the plot is actually going to be.Song Credit: Misty by Johnny Mathis

The next morning, the gang set off on their journey as they headed off to the distant mountains where the tower was. As they ascended up the mountainside, Rhonda couldn't help but notice an odd smell in the air.

"Is that brimstone? That smells just like brimstone..." she muttered.

"I think so too, Rhonda," Katie nodded as she also sniffed the air.

"Nah, I don't think so; that isn't no brimstone," Donkey shot back abrasively.

"And how would you even know that, Donkey?" Rhonda snapped.

"Look, kid, I know my stones and that ain't no brimstone!" Donkey scoffed disdainfully while glaring at her pointedly.

"Knock it off, you two; we need to keep moving," Julie scolded them sternly as she walked off.

Then as they got to the top of the mountain, they were astonished to see that the tower was surrounded by a huge body of boiling lava with a rickety old bridge just ahead. The skies were also ominously dark and grey with vultures hovering around the tower. Rhonda felt the color drain out of her face as she nearly fainted at the sight.

"Sure it's big enough, but look at the location!" Shrek laughed with a big grin.

"Are we in hell? Because it definitely feels like we're in hell," Rhonda stammered fearfully.

"All that's missing now is Lucifer menacing us with a pitchfork," Jasmine retorted sardonically.

"Come on, children; we better hurry," Julie said as she led everyone over to the bridge.

"Um, Shrek... remember when you said that ogres have layers? I have a bit of a confession to make..." Donkey interjected as he also trailed after Shrek with a trepid and consternated expression on his face.

He then stopped for a moment to see a skeleton lying just a few feet away from him and he let out a terrified yelp before dashing off. However, Jasmine walked over to the skeleton and examined it curiously for a moment.

"Bad luck there, fellow," she said before she walked off.

"You see, I'm afraid that donkeys don't have layers; we actually wear them on our sleeves," Donkey continued to ramble on nervously with a frown.

"Wait a second, donkeys don't have sleeves!" Shrek protested.

"Oh you know what I mean!" Donkey insisted with his ears folded against his head.

"Oh, you can't tell me that you're afraid of heights!" Shrek scoffed with an eye roll.

"No... just being a little uncomfortable about being on a rickety old bridge on a boiling lake of lava!" Donkey grimaced as he glanced down fearfully at the lava.

"Don't worry, Donkey; I'll be right here beside you for a little emotional support," Shrek tried to reassure Donkey as he then nudged him right onto the bridge. "We'll just tackle this thing together one baby step at a time."

Team Legacy Original Saga Episode IV: Dragons, Princesses And Ogres, Oh My!Where stories live. Discover now