The Teachers Getting Angrier!

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When i tried to look through the window - all i saw was a blank space.

When i asked him where the other students were, he simply said

"Their with my friends! Dont worry, classes will start as usual!"

I refused to believe him - however him pointing me to different rooms with pieces of paper?

I would answer two equations - however.. The last one would seem, nigh impossible? Nearly like he simply conceptualized a number just for this.

I would get the answer wrong, of course i thought! That was impossible - the teacher, when i look at him now - looking angrier.

I would do the same thing.. But different questions - on another sheet of paper, the last one being nigh-the same.

I would get it wrong - i could hear a door opening - as i could then hear smacks..

Smacks of a ruler?

Smacks getting closer and closer to me.

Suddenly, over the intercom, i would hear something.


The smacks would get closer and closer, me quickly running away - at first, i couldnt keep up my breath, i had never experienced something like this.

Eventually, some fatass in an orange shirt would attempt to stop me - me pushing past him, him seemingly teleporting infront of me again, the teachers smacks getting near - him appearing at the end of the hallway.

I would have nothing to give to the bully, the teacher catching me - as i would reappear at the start of the corridor - its as if.. Everything had turned back? As if time had been erased?

I should've known then - I would have been doomed.

The teacher would look at me, angry - as he would quickly turn into a smile, before saying

"I Hear every door you open."

I answer the same 2 questions, the same impossible one appearing - baldi appearing infront of me for a split second before disappearing into thin air - as my eyesight would buzz out - everything going red temporarily, before it fixes itself.

The impossible question would already be put at false, as i would go through everything else, me taking the other path - baldi seemingly being on my tail instantly, me running to find another classroom to the best of my ability.

The hallways would expand, baldi seemingly getting faster and faster - me eventually finding a room, the questions being thousands upon thousands of times harder - me getting them wrong, hearing the slaps getting faster and faster - i would find a chocolate bar on a desk.

However, baldi would be in the room already, his smacks echoing - me eating the chocolate, seemingly gaining a speed boost for a temporary amount of time - being able to escape in time for baldi to get distracted for just a split second, as the hallways would seemingly be endless, the teacher now following me at ever-excelerarting speeds.

I would ram into a wall - meeting a broom in my face, it pushing me to the teacher, the floor around it being pulled up from its force - it turning into a loop eventually, it going around-and aroun..and aro..

I would be flung into the teacher, the broom having hit him at the same time - pushing both of us back, the teacher attempting to catch me while the broom pushed us both, i would be able to dodge some of his hits - till he grabs me, using his ruler to bash in my skull.. Atleast, thats what i think?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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