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Ding! As the elevator doors opened, Ziva strode towards her desk with a cup of Israeli tea in her hand. She opened her top drawer, removed her gun from its holster, and locked her badge and gun in the drawer. She looked up to greet Tony and McGee with a snarky comment about Tony's last date or McGee's newest online fantasy game, but was greeted with empty desks. Ziva frowned. It was unlike McGee to be late, and she was rarely more that an hour early. If she was so early, Gibbs would definitely be here, sipping his coffee and arguing over some case with Director Vance.
Then, Ziva noticed the note on her desk. Recognizing McGee's blocky, hurried handwriting, she picked up the note. Squinting to make out the small sloppy letters that were so unlike McGee, Ziva was able to make out the message:
Meet us in MTAC. Something happened. Hurry. -Tim
Ziva frowned. What had happened? She tucked the note into the back pocket if her cargo pants and made her way towards MTAC, expecting the worst and ready for anything. Almost.

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