The mail

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I just came home from school exhausted, but my dream to become a photographer cant end anytime soon. This is something i've ben wanting so long, and i just cant give up. I was about to head to bed, when my friend Sofij called
S:(hello how was your day)
Z:(My day was great im just super tired. How was yours?)
S:(boring as always, anything new going on?)
Z:(meeh nothing really. But i should head to bed. Talk to you later)
S:(byee sleep well, Love you)
Z:(Love you)
*the call ends*
After i got ready for bed i laid down in my bed. I got my computer to watch some series, when i saw i left my Mail open. Ive gotten a new Mail, from a band called Joker out.
I found the name of the band weird but ive heard it somwere before, i just dont remeber where.
I opened the mail and read it
"Hello Zarja
We have seen your photos on instagram and wanted to ask you something. We have talked about this for some time and we want to ask you, if you wanna try to be our photographer for some time!? We really love your work and we just know you'd do great as a concert photographer

-Joker Out"

After i red the mail i was kinda shocked, I've never  gotten such a big request before, i was both happy and stressed.
I opened insta to check out their profile. When i saw that they already followed me. I looked at their post for some time, and decided to DM them
"Hello Joker out, this is Zarja, i read the mail, and thought about it, i would love to try it out as your photographer"

Some time went by but i got a answer

"Hello Zarja, thats amazing. If you have time next Friday we could meet at our studio to plan some things"
I replied with a yes and we kinda texted back and forth about it. But it was getting late and i needed some sleep

The bassist's photograph (Nace jordan)Where stories live. Discover now