The friday

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As Friday comes closer i start feeling more and more nervous, i don't understand why because im not a fan of them or anything. Im just scared I'll do something embarrassing. Ive already learned their names. I just hope i don't mess up and call them the wrong names. Just as im scaring myself with all this stuff, i relised i had to leave, i almost ran to my car because i didn't wanna be late.

I made it there just in time. The boys were already there waiting for me. I walked in, i was so scared this was gonna be awkward but it wasn't. They all had something to say all the time.
We chatted a bit, and planed some photo shoots / next concerts, i could join them on. Sins im such new to this we all agreed that i'll only join them on the slavic concerts.

We all sat just chatting about everything joking and laughing. But there was something about this guy.... Nace, everything about him was so perfect, he always listened and laughed when i had something to say / joke about. I mean all of them were super sweet but it was something special about him...
He made me feel special for some reason, even tho i just met him.
It was getting late, maybe im just tired, i don't usually feel like this around people, i have to be sick maybe a cold?
When it was time to go home Nace offered me a ride home. He wanted to get to know me more because we didn't talk so much back and forth. He was so sweet i couldn't help to blush.
He dropped me off home. We was seriously one of the sweetest people i've ever spoken to, also the most handsome one ;)

Authors note:
Sorry this issn't the longest chapter but ill sure you ill write more

The bassist's photograph (Nace jordan)Where stories live. Discover now