Pizza, movie, cuddles?

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His apartment was small and cozy. It had a beautiful view of the city center. He also had a little dog,
Back to what the apartment looks like. It was a small but cozy living room filled with flowers, the kitchen was basically a part of the living room but he had sat up a little flower wall so its not as open. His apartment had 1 bedroom and 1 bathroom. It was all super clean. I didn't expect this from him because he didn't really seem like a clean person, but god was i wrong.

"Feel like home" he said as we walked in. I smiled and sat down "you're house is so cool" i looked around. "Thank you, ive ben working alot for it to look like this" he said "what do you want for dinner?" He asked as he stood in the kitchen "uff i dont know.. you choose" i said and looked at him "frozen pizza it is then" he said as he got a pizza out of the freezer. I just stood there smiling at him. He is so cute. I sat down at the table, waiting for the pizza to finish "so what do you wanna do after we eat?" He asked "i dont know, watch a movie?" I said. I wanted every opportunity to get closer to him. "Whats you're favorite movie?" He asked. "Thats one of the worst questions you could ever ask me, i dont know" i said and laughed abit, he laughed with me "i cant blame you, i dont know ether" gosh his smile, i love everything about him.

The pizza alarm rang and he took it out of the oven. He sat down in front of me. With the pizza in the middle of us. We started eating, and just talking about everything. Laughing and joking. I cant help but fall more and more for him. After we finish eating, i helped with the dishes.

We both sat down at the couch, not so close to each other at first but we got comfortable really fast. I was laying in his arms wile we watched a movie. Ive never ben so relaxed before, just the thought of being in the same room as him calmed me down.
I felt myself getting more and more sleepy. I could hear Nace was allready asleep. Second went by till i was asleep to..

The bassist's photograph (Nace jordan)Where stories live. Discover now