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Some weeks have passed. I haven't spoken with the guys in some days. Apparently their next concert is on Saturday in Ljubljana. We have planned to meet up at 12:00 AM, i find that way to early for a concert that starts 20:00 PM but ill live trough it.
Even tho it was 3 days till. I started packing my camera. I had multiple of them but the best one for the best once.  Right when i was done i got a DM on instagram. I checked my phone, it was Nace, i couldn't help but blush. I opened the message

N: heyy Zarja do u wanna hang out later? Yk get to know each other more
    Z: ofc:)) when do you wanna meet?
N: what about 16:30? We are leaving the studio around 16:00"
    Z: sure sounds perfect:)
N: okey ill pick u up at 16:30
  Z: okiii
Nace_jordan liked ur message

16:00 comes by and im getting ready. I don't know what im getting ready for but sins its getting warmer in Slovenia i decided to wear a dress. I put on some makeup, and a bit of perfume. I dont usually wear perfume but why not do it now.
Nace calls me around 16:40 telling me he is outside.

"Hey sorry im late i had to drop off the others sins they were to lazy to walk" he apologized
"Nono no reason to apologize, it just gave me more time to get ready" i smiled as i got in the car "where are we going?" I asked, and looked over at him "i don't know i was thinking we could go for a walk, sins it is pretty hot out" he said looking over at me smiling "sounds perfect, i have a place we can walk but its 30 min outside from Ljubljana" i said not breaking the eye contact "sounds perfect, just type it in on the map and ill drive" he said. He sounds really trusting and i love it. The fact that he even asked me to hang out makes it even better.
We chatted wile driving. Turns out he really liked Pokémon, sounds strange for a 29 year old but i can live with that.
We arrived. It was prettier than i remembered. Sins it was the golden hour. That made it even more romantic, i know its wrong thinking like this but it actually was

We walked for a bit. I was joking about his Pokémon obsession when he pulled out his phone to catch some. But it was cute, i would much rather spend time with someone i can join on walks, to catch Pokémon's than, them never having time to do anything cuz. They're obsessed with some computer game.

We walked for some time till we found a bench, and i sat down. I swear to god it was really romatic, the bench was facing a little pound, the sun was setting and Nace just Nace.
"Its really pretty here" he said smiling "i used to come here with my family all the time" i looked down playing with my feet. He sat down next to me. We didn't talk much but its ok, it wassn't awkward or anything, as long as i was with him i was ok.
"Im hungry" i said and looked at him. He just stood up and reached out for my hand. We walked back to the car. His hands were so soft i could hold them forever.

We entered the car "so where do you wanna eat? We can drive to my place and i can cook you something, or we could eat out" he smiled at me "i mean its really expensive to eat out and i'd love to see what ur place looks like" i said letting out a small giggle.
He drove to his apartment and we walked in

The bassist's photograph (Nace jordan)Where stories live. Discover now