Chapter 42: Don't Go

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"Come on, Em.. please, I'm leaving soon.. Can we talk?"

A text pops up on your phone's notification. It's been two weeks since your last fight. And it's been a week since he bombarded you with these texts. Sometimes you reply. Sometimes you just let it marinate. Anyway, your answer is always the same,

"I think it's best for us to not meet for now."

You admit, it feels weird wearing them. But you tried. You tried removing it—but it still feels even weirder. So you still wear it. Even though it hurts everytime you pass by him in the hall and see him without his. People won't notice, but that bracelet means a lot. You've worn it since forever.. and the fact that he could easily breaks it just—just because—

Forget it. At least I still have my girl.

"Why looking so down, girlie? Cheer up!" Eve lifts your chin. The two of you walk side by side, heading to the parking lot. Well, since you both had to become wonder women these past few months, you drive yourselves to school now.

And I, since—since.. John McClane's car is just sitting there unused, I've mustered the courage to use it. I was taught how to drive by the big boss, but since I was—am his princess~ and since Tyler and I never go to school together anymore..

As you both reach the parking lot, you spot Tyler standing near his car, talking to the gang. He looks up and catches your eye, and a pained expression paints his face. Your heart aches, but you remind yourself why you need this distance. It's for the best—at least for now. Eve gives your shoulder a comforting squeeze before heading to her car. But before Eve gets into her mint Mini, you hold her back.

"Can you.. give me a minute? I'll be quick,"

A bit surprised, Eve tilts her head and closes her car door again. "Sure, babe. Damn, I have all the time in the world for you."

You force a smile, appreciating her support. With a slight chuckle, you close your eyes before finally blowing air from your mouth. "Me and Tyler.. We kinda.."

"Holy shit not again—"

"And now we're not talking. He broke the bracelet we—I—" you stammer. With wide eyes, Eve darts her eyes to your right hand, finding yours still intact on your wrist.

"Oh no.. Em.." she says, hugging you.

You melt in her embrace as you let out a big sigh. "Like—heck—being with him is never easy. Mom was wrong all along I guess." She releases you, and you look down as you continue, "The world is so big—there's a lot of people in this world," then looking at her again, "but why do I keep coming back to him, Eve? I tried to move on."

"I feel you love. Tyler's been a mess too, you know. We all see it. Listen, I know you know, but.. he's leaving soon, Em.." she emphasizes. You know this well—this is why you finally talked to Eve about it. The timing though.. He's leaving, but you ended up fighting. "I think the two of you should at least.. talk, you know?"

You look into the distance, incredibly torn. "I know.." you say softly, looking down at the bracelet on your wrist. "But I just can't.. I can't face him right now," still feeling all the anger and sadness, all emotions swirl together.

Eve sighs. "I can't give you advice since—you know how I am now," you nod in understanding while she continues, "but I can only lay you these questions if you're still confused," squeezing your hands as she speaks.

"The fact that you don't move on easily? The fact that you kept choosing to love him despite that it hurts?"

Eve sighs, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. "While your problems aren't exactly—a death sentence like mine.." she pauses as you squeeze back her hand, she continues, "Em.. a love like yours is hard to find. I know taking a risk is scary.."

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