Married P2

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I spent hours pacing around my room in utter fury trying to find a way out of all this. I know my father has been trying to marry me off but I assumed I'd have more time! How on earth does he think it's appropriate to wed me off to some lord, uproot me from everything I've ever known and move me a week away. To live in some posh manor as some regal lady to some grubby lord twice my age! To wear fancy dresses, push out heirs and Embroider! Like some milkmaid! I refuse I utterly and completely refuse! I am not marrying him! I am finding another man to marry me within the day!

Ughhh! But father doesn't let me out I don't know any men!

How does he expect me to find someone willing to marry me If he never lets me go out and meet men!

How am I going to find a man to marry me! When I don't know any men!


I may not know any men...

But I know a newt.

Close enough!

I got dressed into something my father accepted a long blue dress before I bolted downstairs but immediately was stopped by the kitchen door by Lillian.

"Where are you going?"

"Taking Ester for a ride. And potentially coming back with a husband,"

"... alright,"

I happily bolted out grabbed Ester and rode off as fast as I could towards the farm jumping fences and creeks riding like my life depended on it I saw him outside the barn bringing in some hay bales,

"NEWT!" I yelled,

He perked up curious why he could hear his name being yelled,

"NEWT!" I yelled again,

He looked up and saw me and almost had a heart attack as he saw the speed I approached, I stopped Ester inches from the water and jumped down onto Newt throwing him into the mud,


"...oow... hi y/n," he groans, 

"Hi!" I smiled,

"Sallianne hasn't had her lamb, so why are you attacking me?" he complained as he sat up in the mud, 

"Marry me."

"... what now?" He gulped,

"Marry me. Today."

"Ah- I- y/n..." he said shocked, "WHAT!"

"Marry me!"

"Have you lost it!"

"Newt. Yes or no do you want to marry me?"

"Well, I- I-" he stuttered, "I... Want to,"

"Good. Then we are engaged," I nodded before heading into the barn,

"What! Just like that!" he rushed in after me, "Don't I need to ask you out? Don't we need to date? hug? kiss? court? don't I need to buy you a ring? don't I need to ask your father?" He asks clearly panicking, "I feel like we're skipping a lot of steps here!"

"Newt I've known you since we were infants I think we can skip the pleasantries," I laughed as I headed to see Sallianne, he came over sheepishly and stood beside me,

"Are uhhh are you sure about this?"

"I'm sure," I shrug,

"Okay... there uhh there a reason for the sudden marriage proposal? Did a fairy come to you in the night or something?"

"No," I shrug, "My father is insisting I act like a lady,"

"That explains the dress." he nodded,

"Yeah," I complained,

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