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The sun is beating down with a hot, dry heat, and the blue sky is a stunning shade of crystal clear without a single cloud. The crisp blue ocean stretches as far as the eye can see, with a few larger rocks poking out of the blue waves. These rocks provide a fascinating contrast to the bright sand, which is often kissed by the waves. The cove sits with the cliffs to the back, which curve around to create the round cove known as Heaven's Cup. The cliffs and the circle of water in the cove end up looking like a cup of tea with a handle, giving it the name Heaven's Cup.

The only way in and out of Heaven's Cup is by walking a small, narrow sandy causeway that only opens a few times a day. The journey to the cove is an adventure on its own, with the narrow causeway providing a sense of excitement and anticipation. Once inside the cove, the atmosphere is peaceful and serene, with the sound of the waves creating a calming effect.

The Cove is known for its waves and surfing use, making it a popular spot for surfers. However, many still see it as a hidden gem, with its secluded location adding to the charm. The cliffs that surround the cove offer a breathtaking view, making it an ideal spot for nature lovers.

In summary, Heaven's Cup is a stunning cove that offers an adventure-filled journey and a serene atmosphere, making it an ideal spot for surfers and nature lovers alike.

Today only a few people have made the trip to Heaven's Cup, Minho stood by the waves leaning on his red and blue surfboard wearing a tight red swimsuit that almost everyone was trying to avoid their eyes moving too, watching as Gally stood on his brown board riding on a wave wearing a full wetsuit he kicking thomas in his blue shorts off his blue-striped board into the water. The sight caused Fry to laugh as he sat in his chair in his white shirt and shorts with the BBQ bucket pushed into the water cooking up some burgers and hot dogs and of course, Newt and Y/n laid on their towels Y/n in her little purple bikini and Newt in his orange shorts, the two wrapped tightly in each others arms making out heavily.

"You guys gonna do anything but make out this trip!" Minho yelled,

Neither replied Newt just took his hand off her waist and put his middle finger up at his friend, causing Minho to shake his head at them as Newt returned his hand to his girlfriend's braid,

"Ahhhhhhhhh!" Thomas yelled as he ran out of the water catching everyone's attention as thomas came out of the water naked holding his junk,

Minho, gally and Fry burst out laughing at him, Newt quickly put his hand over Y/n's eyes even if she tried to peek and see what was going on.

"Fish stole my shorts!" thomas complained,

"Tommy seriously!" Newt complained,

"You probably lost them when you feel off your bored," Gally chuckled handing thomas his towel as Gally dried off with his own,

"I didn't fall I was kicked!" He yelled as he covered himself with the towel,

"I don't know I think you fell," Minho chuckled,

"I think so too!" Fry yelled,

"Guys?!" Thomas complained,

"I wasn't looking, Tommy." newt shrugged,

"They were busy trying to lick each other's throats," Minho chuckled,

"Can I look yet?" Y/n complained trying to take Newt's hand from her eyes,

"You guys are dicks," Thomas sighed as his board washed up and luckily it had his shorts attached so he quickly got them on under the towel,

Y/n forced Newt's hand away and got up adjusting her bikini, "I am going to surf, you coming?"

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