CH5 "polaroid"

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            Walker woke up thinking about Aliona this morning

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            Walker woke up thinking about Aliona this morning. He needed her presence. He was physically eating pancakes with his family but mentally he was with the girl. It was Sunday morning, and later that Saturday, they will start filming. They're daily lives are gonna change, not that they're not used to it. But they will probably be staying at a hotel close to set for some time, and when they have days off, they come back home. LA is too big.

"Walker!" Walker Scobell's mom snaps at his face, his whole family was now staring at him. "Are you excited to start filming that movie? It's gonna be big you know honey. You know in the contract it's gonna be a trilogy right? Like those divergent and maze runner books or movies or I don't know. Your dad and I think this might be the Sci-fi movies of the decade! Magazines have been saying that also! And you're gonna be one of the main character honey!" His mom talked a lot.

Walker smiles at his mom. "I'm really excited." That's all he says.
"Do you know the other actors that are casted?" His dad asks, "Yeah I know a few like Ariana, Jacob, Vera and McKenna is gonna be there as well!"

His dad nods along, he chews on his pancakes and speaks, "that girl, she's good."

"McKenna? yeah she is."

"No, Aliona! Have you seen her acting in that movie where she's playing a drug addict? Her acting was excellent. You wouldn't think that's a 16 year old. It's called Lady I think."

Leena agrees and adds, "wasn't her character like addicted to self harming also?"

Walker, when he watched that movie that came out a few months ago, he was absolutely astonished. Vera never fails to prove to the world over and over again, that her acting is one of the best. The critics went crazy. "Yeah she played a girl that's struggling with Bipolar disorder, so basically depression and mania, she was self harming and addicted to Xanax AND" Walker adds, "she had like issues with her mother, who's played by Natalie Portman, and her dad by Oscar Isaac, and there is this amazing scene" Leena carefully listens to her brother talking about the girl, amazed, "where she gets into a huge argument with her mom after she tried to hit her dad and they got physical and they started crying and the acting was crazy. She deserves an Oscar." The table got silent, but walker wasn't done,

"There's also one scene where she's at prom and she's looking at herself in the bathroom mirrors and like, you know since she has scars all over her body, she starts crying and like, she's just too good." walker lets it all out in one breath.

It was Leenas turn now, "and the scene where her boyfriend breaks the bathroom door to find her body on the floor filled with blood after her attempt and he like cries and yells and shi-"

"Language." their dad says. After all this time, they realise Tanner, walkers 11 year old brother, was listening to this.

The mom quickly tries and changes subject, "So who played the boyfriend?"
"I don't care" Walker says.
"It was Javon Walton mom. Don't act like you don't know him walker. He's so hot." Leena says.

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