CH31 "im ratting you out"

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Sami's back smashed against walker's door as he kissed her. He inhaled her vanilla scent that smelled horribly like who-she-shall-not-be-named.

Sami's hand gripped on walkers hair enjoying the moment she's been wanting for so long. She smiled through the kiss making walker smile back.

"Walker!" Leena's voice was heard. Interrupting both teens from kissing.

Sami, whose back was against the door, was pushed away. Walker looked at his sister blankly. A disappointed leena walked in. Sami shamefully looked away from walkers older sister.

Leena took in the scene, walker and Sami's messy hair, their heavy breathing... she's angry now. "What makes you think you can have girls over? Huh?"

"It's none of your business leena." Walker tried to stay as respectful as possible towards his older sister. But she still ruined the moment.

Sami felt out of place, not thinking her being here was going to bother his family. But she still felt jealous, so she spoke up, "Vera was allowed in here." Sami stated. At the mention of aliona walker tensed up, but the way Sami said 'Vera' and not 'Aliona' got on his nerves.

After hearing Sami, leena dirty looked her, then looked at walker with disappointment.

"I'm ratting you out." She was going to turn around but walker grabbed her arm before she could walk away. "Mom's gonna get mad you know it."

Leena chuckles sarcastically, "I'm ratting you out to Ali, not mom." She pulled her arm away from walker and left.

Walker didn't know how he felt about that. He really wanted Ali to think he moved on. Which he didn't. But at the same time it would hurt her. But she hurt him. So whatever let her find out. It's not like he really moved on anyway. He's just- on the way there.

"We're not even together it doesn't matter." He slammed his door, before reassuring sami it was fine for her to be here.

Walker was overthinking though. If aliona finds out, she'll get even worse. And as much as she hurt him, he would never wish that upon her.


sister in law🤗
hiii ali

sister in law❤️
hiii leena

sister in law🤗
I miss you
how are you?

sister in law❤️
I miss you so much leena
I'm great

sister in law🤗
I'd be better if you were here
I'm gonna kill him

sister in law❤️
you go ahead
I still don't understand
why he unfollowed me
like obv I'm gonna
unfollow him back yk?
Like okay we're exes but
there is no need to go
no contact you know?
but idrc

sister in law🤗
I already told u
I think both of u
R in the wrong
But he's acting like a
he's really getting on my nerves

sister in law❤️
is he okay

sister in law🤗
I don't think so
but he has a girl over rn
I'm pissed
And I thought you should know
I'm sorry
they were kissing

sister in law❤️
no that's totally fine
we're not together anyway

Aliona immediately knew who the girl was. And she lied when she said she was fine. She's hurt, how he moved on in a few weeks, but he can't possibly stop loving ali out of nowhere, it takes time no? Does he love Sami? Is that possible? She didn't know. And not knowing killed her even more.

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