Chapter 13: Sleigh Ride

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December 6th 2023

As the morning sun cast a warm glow over the bustling city streets of New York, Camila and Lisa emerged from a cozy little diner in manhattan, where they enjoyed a Leisurely breakfast together. Their laughter filled the air as they walked hand in hand, the joy of their time together evident in the smirks that graced their faces.

Lost in their own world, they navigated through the crowded sidewalks, their conversation filled with affectionate banter. The city seemed to him with energy around them, its rhythm matching the beats of their hearts as they reveled in the magic of the upcoming Christmas season.

As Camila and Lisa step out of the restaurant, they fail to notice another figure approaching from the opposite direction until it's too late.

With a sudden collision, Camila bumps directly into the figure, causing them to stumble backwards. Lisa quickly reaches out to steady the person, her eyes widening in surprise as she realizes who it is.

Valarie stands before them, a surprised expression on her face as she regains her balance. Her eyes meet the couples, a mix of uncertainty and curiosity in their depths.

"What are you doing here?" Camila huffs out regaining her posture.

"I'm here for the iHeart Radio Jingle Ball. I won tickets." Valarie replies.

Camila's eyebrows shoot up in response to Valarie's reply. She exchanged a quick glance with Lisa, a hint of skepticism in her expression.

"The Jingle Ball?" Camila repeats, her voice tinged with disbelief. "That's quite a coincidence. I wonder... how did you get the tickets."

Lisa remains silent, observing the interaction between her current girlfriend and her ex, unsure of how to react to the unexpected encounter.

Valarie nods, her gaze flickering between Camila and Lisa. "Well, I was lucky enough to win tickets from the radio. I Thought I'd take advantage of the opportunity to come see some great performances."

Camila's expression still remains skeptical of the blonde's true intentions. "Well, hope you enjoy the show," she says, her tone politely fake and cheery.

Valarie offers tight-lipped smile in return before excusing herself, disappearing into the bustling crowd of the city streets. As the couple watch her go, a sense of unease settles over both of them, leaving lingering questions in their minds about the encounter.


Back in the hotel, Camila paces back and forth in her hotel room, her mind racing with thoughts of Valarie and their encounter with her from earlier. She runs a hand through her hair, frustration evident in her movements as Lisa watches her ramble from the couch.

"I just can't shake the feeling that's something's off about Valarie being here," Camila says voice tinged with agitation. "I mean, winning tickets to Jingle Ball? It seems too convenient."

Lisa watches Camila with concern, her brow furrowing as she listens to her girlfriend's words. "Do you think she's lying about winning the tickets?" She asks, her doubts beginning to surface.

Camila stops pacing and turns to face Lisa, her expression troubled. "I don't know that to believe anymore," she admits. "But one things for sure, I don't trust her intentions." 

Lisa nods in understanding, her own unease growing with each passing moment.

"Did you possibly save her some tickets?" Camila asks suddenly, her tone expectant.

Lisa shakes her head, her lips forming a tight line. "No," she replies firmly. "I know how you are when she's around. Plus, The Dream sold out of tickets in a matter of weeks. There's no way she could have gotten tickets unless she bought them through a scalper or a giveaway or something."

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