Chapter 7: Cowboy Casanova

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September 2nd 2023

As the month passed since Lisa's birthday party, the group of friends had settled back into their routines, enjoying each other's company and supporting one another through life's ups and downs. Despite the unexpected drama with Valarie and Stephen, the incident had brought them closer together, reinforcing their bond and reminding them of the importance of friendship and loyalty.

Lisa had taken time to process everything that had happened, leaning on Camila and her friends for support. The revelation about Stephen had been a shock, but Lisa was grateful for Camila's unwavering presence and understanding. Their relationship had deepened, and Lisa felt more secure in their connection.

Meanwhile, Valarie had maintained her distance, respecting the boundaries that Camila had set. Although there was still a lingering tension, the group had decided to focus on positivity and moving forward.

The Dream's preparations for their upcoming tour had been progressing smoothly. Lisa had poured her emotions into songwriting, finding solace and healing through music. Their rehearsals had been productive, and they were excited to share their new material with their fans.

Overall, the month had been a time of growth and reflection for everyone involved. The bonds of friendship had been tested and strengthened, leaving them ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with unity and resilience.

The morning sunlight streamed through the windows of Jimmy's diner, casting a warm glow over the table where Lisa and her friends sat enjoying breakfast together. Today, Hope was their waitress, greeting them with a cheerful smile as she approached their booth.

"Good morning, ladies! What can I get for you today?" Hope asked, her pen poised over her notepad.

"Hey, Hope! I'll have the usual," Lisa replied with a grin. "Pancakes with extra whipped cream, please."

"Coming right up!" Hope noted down Lisa's order before turning to the others. "And for the rest of you?"

"I'll have scrambled eggs with toast, please," Chamile said.

"Ditto on that," Sherie added.

"I'll go for a bagel with cream cheese and some fruit," Dara chimed in.

As Hope jotted down their orders, she couldn't help but notice the camaraderie and easy banter among the group. Despite the recent events and challenges they had faced, there was a sense of togetherness and positivity in the air.

"Got it! I'll be back with your drinks in a jiffy," Hope said with a smile, tucking her notepad away before heading back towards the counter.

The girls settled into comfortable conversation while they waited for their food, catching up on recent news and sharing plans for the day ahead. The atmosphere was lively yet relaxed, a welcome respite from the hectic pace of their lives.

Soon, Hope returned with their drinks, setting them down on the table with a cheerful flourish. "Here you go, ladies! Your food will be out shortly."

"Thanks, Hope!" Lisa said, smiling gratefully as she picked up her glass of orange juice.

The kitchen doors opened as Valarie emerged from the back and a hush fell over Lisa and her friends as they watched her move about the diner, attending to other tables without acknowledging their presence. Camila's frustration was palpable, evident in the way she spoke about Valarie.

"Why is she still here?" Camila muttered under her breath, her gaze fixed on the blonde waitress.

"Camila, don't start," Lisa urged softly, reaching out to touch her girlfriend's arm.

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