Chapter 15: You Could Start A Cult

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February 14th 2024

Ludermary was walking down the street, a small smile playing on her lips as she thought about her and Ally's baking tradition for Valentine's Day. They always spent the day baking sweets for their friends, turning the holiday into a celebration of friendship rather than romance.

Lost in her thoughts, Ludermary bumped into someone, nearly stumbling. She looked up and saw Michael standing there, his outfit a mix of nerdy charm with black pants, red suspenders, and a white button-up shirt adorned with a black tie covered in hearts.

"Oops, sorry about that," she said, offering him a sheepish smile.

Michael grinned, his glasses slightly askew. "No problem at all. Hey, Ludermary, it's been a while!"

Ludermary nodded, feeling a pang of guilt for not keeping in touch with Michael as much as she should have. "Yeah, it has. How have you been?"

"I've been good," Michael replied, adjusting his glasses. "Actually, I've been meaning to ask this for a while... I was wondering if you'd like to go out on a date tonight. I've missed spending time with you, and I thought it would be nice to catch up."

Ludermary considered his offer, touched by his sincerity. "That sounds really nice, Michael. I'd love to."

Michael's face lit up with a smile. "Great! How about we try that new sushi place downtown? I've heard good things about it."

Ludermary nodded enthusiastically. "That sounds perfect. I'll meet you there at 7?"

"Sounds like a plan," Michael said, his grin widening. "I'll see you tonight then, Ludermary."

As they parted ways, Ludermary couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in her chest. She was looking forward to spending Valentine's Day in a different way this year.

"Oh my god, I have a date."


The beach house buzzed with excitement as the girls, minus Dinah, gathered around to film Lisa's original song, "Single on Valentine's Day." They donned colorful outfits and flashed playful smiles as they prepared to sing and dance their hearts out.

As the music started, the girls launched into the upbeat melody, their voices blending harmoniously as they belted out the lyrics:

Well, I love pink things and chocolate's nice

And who doesn't like flowers in red and white?

On paper it's great

The most romantic date

Unless you don't have a date

I don't wanna sound like an old hag
But Valentine's Day is such a drag
Just a reminder that I've never had a boyfriend in my life

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

Hey, I really hate this day
Gonna cry in my room and then dig my grave
I thought I was nice
Thought I was worth a shot
I thought someone would want me but apparently not
Hey, we don't have Valentines
Not one of us can seem to find a decent guy

Well, I...

Because they don't exist, I don't care what you say
There's nothing worse than being single on Valentine's Day

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