1.4 - The saint is reborn

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"Well..." The man in white opened his eyes and glanced at Yunzhi Ping blankly, then tilted his head and passed out.

It was that glance that made Yun Zhiping unable to hold the dagger in her hand. Her hand couldn't help shaking. Sure enough... she couldn't take it off. Yun Zhiping had to admit that her heart softened after seeing the man's eyes that showed no trace of indifference, only pure confusion. System 101 said that the temporary [Innocent Little White Lotus Halo] was really useful.

"Pa" Yun Zhiping raised her hand and slapped herself. The right side of her face became red and swollen, showing how hard she worked. She murmured in a low voice, "It's really useless... Don't you already know his true face? Why... ...Why you still can't take action..."

Yun Zhiping half-knelt beside the man in white, mentally struggling with himself. After an unknown amount of time, a small boat came up from the river. Seeing the two of them on the shore, looking embarrassed, the boat sailed towards them. .

"Girl, what's wrong? Do you need help?"

Yun Zhiping didn't know why he agreed to the boatman's request and asked him to help carry Xiao Ziyu back. The boatman's family was kind-hearted. She just said that her brother and sister were being hunted by bandits, and she made up a miserable life story to excuse them. As for why they are said to be brothers and sisters... Yun Zhiping may also be confused.

"Yun Zhiping! You colluded with the Martial Arts Alliance, you are not worthy of being a saint of our religion!"

"Who...I didn't, I didn't"

"Ping'er, you shouldn't, shouldn't trust outsiders. I'm very disappointed in you."

"No, it's not me...I don't want to"

"Witch! Die!"

"Ah!" Yun Zhiping woke up from his dream, with tears on his face and a cold sweat on his body. The resentment of those people in the dream seemed to still be following her. She was shaking so hard that it took a long time to calm down.

Outside the window, it was already late at night, and the boatman took them home. She was so confused that she ignored Xiao Ziyu, casually rejected the boatman's family's kindness, and fell asleep.

Putting on her coat, Yun Zhiping walked out. The sky was glittering with stars, and the night wind was particularly gentle, stroking away the undried tears on her face. She remembered her past life again...

Xiao Ziyu, leader of the martial arts alliance, led various sects to attack the Holy Religion, and she became a traitor to the Holy Religion.

That night, she climbed up the Unknown Mountain of the Holy Religion. The once dominant and terrifying Holy Religion was in a mess, with broken limbs everywhere. The strong smell of blood made her almost nauseous, and the scarlet blood made her feel sick. The land is dyed red.

Among the horrific corpses on the ground, some were familiar to her, some she didn't know, some were her friends, some were her subordinates, and some were the elders who had taught her since childhood.

The leader of the Holy Religion, the sworn brother who had always protected her, his head was hung on the gate of the Holy Religion. The sworn brother who had shielded her from wind and rain was gone, the Holy Religion... was gone, and her home was gone too. ...

She collapsed...she screamed, she was in pain, she regretted...until that flash of white stood in front of her.

She knelt on the ground holding her adopted brother's head, looking at the boots as white as snow in front of her. She looked up and saw that person. That person stood against the light. That was the person she loved most. That young man in white was obviously the best and most beautiful person in the world. good person. But this man ruined her home and her.

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