Interhigh Pt. 2

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When you'd walked back inside, the two guys from before were chatting with the team.

"Hey that girl was sitting by us," Shimada whispered to Takinoue.

Suddenly you felt two pairs of eyes on you, which then began bearing into Ukai expectantly.

"Oh- uh this is uhhh sorry what's your first name?" Ukai stammered.

"Y/n" you said with a chuckle.

"Y/n L/n. A teacher at Karasuno. Y/n this is Makoto Shimada and Yusuke Takinoue. We used to play together."

"Yep, we go way back," Takinoue said, placing his arm over Ukai's shoulder, which obviously annoyed him.

"Nice to meet you Y/n," Shimada said calmly. "We're going to head back into the gym, do you want to sit with us?"

"Sure, thanks!"

You walked with them to the gym but not before they both thoroughly jabbed Ukai in the ribs jokingly behind your back.

"Are you sure this isn't a college team?" you exclaimed part way through the first set.

"Insane right? All of the players are strong af but that #7 is a giant." Takinoue sighed.

"They call them the Iron Wall. Karasuno lost to this team last year..." Shimada added.

You gasped. So apparently this wasn't going to be an easy game like you thought.

"They're holding on though, neither side can get much of a lead. It's going to be a close game."

Karasuno was finally able to get the advantage and won their first set. The second set was even more intense than the first, but they were able to win without going into a third set.

It was so intense you didn't have as much time to chat with your new colleagues as you'd hoped. You wanted to ask them more about their days of high school volleyball, maybe even find out more about Ukai. You glanced down at him, who was now shaking hands with the opposing team's coaches and you reflected on your conversation from outside.

"Wooow that was crazy, I think I was holding my breath the whole time" you said, releasing a sigh. "It's too bad I can't stay for the third game. Which- Oh I actually better get going! It was so exciting I didn't even know what time it was!"

You said your goodbyes, making sure to exchange numbers with Takinoue and Shimada, and head out for your girls' night.

You told your friends about the tournament, but you left out any mention of Ukai. You weren't in the mood for any teasing tonight.


"Ah man, I can't believe they lost in the third round," you whined.

"They're taking it pretty hard, so maybe don't bring it up," Takeda said.

"I don't blame them, they worked so hard! After seeing the first game I assumed they would win the whole thing!"

"Yeah, there are a lot of good teams around here, but I still think ours is the best," Takeda added, beaming proudly.


"Pheewww," Takinoue sighed, setting down his beer. "This is exactly what I needed. Rec volleyball and some brewskis with my bros."

"You're so cringey Yusuke," said Shimada, getting a laugh from Ukai.

"What about you Keishin, how's the team after that loss to Aoba Johsai," Shimada added.

"Those kids are taking it really hard. I don't blame them. But they're so crazy! Obsessed even. I give them the day off and they come to practice anyways! I admire the passion but I'm like at least let me have a day off!"

"Yeah, Yamaguchi came by the other day to practice serves again. I felt really bad for him, after that serve went south. I know that feeling."

"Yeah, they're a good bunch of kids. BUT Keishin, isn't there something you forgot to tell us?" Takinoue asked, he and Shimada raising their eyebrows knowingly at Ukai.

"Hm? Whachya mean."

"Uh that teacher Y/n who you just casually walked into the building with? What was that?" asked Shimada.

"On a first name basis now are we?"

"She told us we could!" chimed Takinoue.

"You guys have the wrong idea, it's not like that. I didn't even know she was at the tournament until after the first set. I went outside for a light, and she brought me a coffee. Then we went back inside. The interaction lasted about two minutes, ok?" Ukai said defensively, obviously a bit embarrassed.

"Oh that makes sense actually. You seemed pretty calm in the first game but got so fidgety and flustered in the second. You kept looking around into the stands! A little self conscious, were we?"

"That was obviously because the game against Date Tech was wayy more difficult, of course I'd be nervous!"

"Whatever you say." 

"A coffee? What'd she bring you a coffee for?" Shimada asked.

"Hell if I know, just trying to be nice I guess." Ukai said quietly, nursing his beer.

"Hmm... so you wouldn't mind if I asked her out then?" Takinoue asked cockily, obviously trying to get on Ukai's nerves.

"Huh?! Do whatever you want but how do you plan to ask her out? By waiting outside the school like some creep?"

"Noo, I would text her obviously. We both got her number."

"You- really?"

"Wait Keishin... do you not have her number? Seriously?" Takinoue mocked.

"Yusuke, maybe you shouldn't ask her out, he would obviously be way too jealous of you, it would ruin your friendship," Shimada said sarcastically.

"I wouldn't be jealous!"

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