Jisung's Not Dead!

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December 13, 2023
About 5 days after jisung's supposed death.

Ricky and jiwoong lived seperately but still were always glued together..

Gyuvin and jiwoong still were roommates and their boyfriends had no complains about it..

On that day, the four boys had come together for a hangout.

"yah, where's Ricky hyung?" yujin asked.

"he's on his way.. I thought you'd both come together.." jiwoong spoke.

"we planned to but then I had to run an errand, so.." jiwoong hummed.

Just then gyuvin came in with a handful of chips and cokes.

"movie time, guys.. Ricky told he reached.." he said and jiwoong went to his room to gather up some blankets.

Just then someone entered..

"yah, Ricky welcome.." gyuvin laughed.

Ricky's eye searched around for jiwoong as he removed his coat.

"hey chill. Your man just went to take some blankets" gyuvin teased and Ricky let out a gasp.

"Rickyyy.. Come here and give me a hug!"  jiwoong smiled as he saw Ricky and Ricky had ran to jiwoong and he also didn't forget to give him a peck.

"so, what movie should we watch..?" yujin asked..

" there's too many.. How about Oppenheimer? I heard it's pretty good.." gyuvin suggested and the others nodded.

The couples had shared two couches and were cuddling each other munching on the chips.

Reaching almost halfway through, most of them were sleepy..

Gyuvin decided to pause the movie and get refills and the others agreed.

Just then the TV went blank and a buzzing hollow terrifying sound could be heard..

Gyuvin stopped in his tracks and everyone turned to look at the TV horrified.

Suddenly, a jumpscare. A man in all black. His eyes pierced through the screen and yujin stood up running towards Ricky and jiwoong who were equally scared too..

Jiwoong then ran to turn off the TV and ON'd it again..
It was back to normal..

The news chanel was the one to pop out ..


All Samsung users were facing a tragic glitch on their electronic devices. Some cases even reported of seeing a black masked stature. Please make sure that your personal details are safe to avoid further complications.
The CEO of the company is said to take strict actions against the people involved in such tricks.

Jiwoong off the TV again..

"ohh.. I thought it was just us.." gyuvin said placing his hand on his chest..

"yeah same.." Ricky agreed..

But one person didn't move. Jiwoong. He was frozen in his seat. His head ached.

'This was familiar.. It's familiar! It's -' his thoughts were cut off by Ricky.

"woong?" he called out to him in a soft voice and jiwoong came back to his senses.

"what wrong?" Ricky pat his back..

"Ricky.. Ricky.." jiwoong called out his words getting stuck in his throat..

"yes baby.. What's wrong?" "he raised an eyebrow..

" that mask is familiar.. " jiwoong continued.

" what do you mean hyung? " yujin asked.

" that's j-jisung! " jiwoong stuttered in fear.

" huh?! " The boys let out a gasp.

" he's back again.. " jiwoong let out a cry.

" j-jisung?" yujin widened his eyes.

" that black mask, the o-outfit.. that's what he wore when he called us to the m-maze..." jiwoong had tears in his eyes. He wiped them and leaned his head on Ricky's shoulder.

" t-the maze? " gyuvin asked.

" y-yes.. The M-maze. T-that's what I-it's called. the abandoned p-place. " the boys gasped.

" so, are we in trouble with him again? Isn't he dead?! " Ricky asked and jiwoong nodded.

"he's back for us.. He never died in the first place.." jiwoong said but only Ricky was shocked..

"hyung, I-uh, I heard the principal say that jisung's was faking it.." yujin continued.

Ricky was a bit upset that only he didn't know about it, but maybe jiwoong forgot to tell him.

"so what's next?" gyuvin asked jiwoong.

"I'm not quite sure too.. We shouldn't provoke him again.." jiwoong said.

"hyung, i have an idea." Ricky started and jiwoong asked him to continue.

"he always spoke about how he was the starting and the ending rt? So, according to my theory, jisung is the maze.
In order to end him we must end the maze.."  gyuvin clapped at Ricky's words.

"yeah, Ricky's right.. That should be our Plan B" gyuvin said.

"I agree with Ricky too.. Ahh, my boyfriend could be a detective instead." jiwoong praised him and yujin rolled his eyes.

"do you have any plans Ricky?" jiwoong asked.

"the only plan is to wait for him to appear in front of us.." yujin interfered.

"yujins's right. He won't stay hidden for quite long." Ricky continued and the boys nodded.

"for now, let's sleep. Let's get over with this tomorrow.." gyuvin said as he let out a yawn..

The boys entered their room and cuddled to sleep..

Somewhere around the world..

"I'm back.. Don't worry, I'll come looking for you.." the man said as he smirked playing with the knife on his hand..

... To be continued..

THE MAZE 2 | RIWOONG | feat. Gyujin Zb1Where stories live. Discover now