He's Strange!

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The camera had been delivered in just a day.

Ricky woke up to a knock on his door.
He stood up, groaning in pain as he walked towards the door.

"Mr.kim jiwoong?" The delivery guy asked and Ricky nodded receiving the package.
Jr thanked the man and placed the package down before going to wake up jiwoong.

"hyung , wake up.." he lightly taps the guy who groaned snuggling into his hand.

" ughmjksjkshd.. lemme sweep dummy.." he spilled out words and pressed his face into the pillow.

Ricky caressed his hair and spoke.

"butterfly, the camera's you've wanted just got delivered.." he said and jiwoong let out a hummed before he abruptly sat upright.

" can you bring them to me Ricky..~ " he whined and Ricky chuckled at his view.

Jiwoong looked absolutely adorable. Disheveled hair, doey eyes and a cute pout oh his lips.

Totally squishable would be accurate if you ask Ricky.

When Ricky was done admiring and taking in the stunning view of his boyfriend, he excused himself to go get the package.

He then handed it to jiwoong who gasped as he opened it.

"it's so tiny.. No wonder hyung said it will be difficult to find these.." he mumbled the last part but then again Ricky was too busy taking in his boyfriends features to even notice..

Jiwoong then carefully placed it inside the drawer and looked at Ricky..

" rui.. We should get started today.. " he said and Ricky nodded.

Gyuvin and yujin had went out for a drive near their apartment.
And after about a hour they had reached the adobe.

Yujin barged in the door and giggled as he held his favorite choco ice-cream, cradling it in his arms.
Gyuvin followed him and let out 'we' re back!' as he settled on the couch and let out a sigh..

The boys inside jiwoong's room had heard the notice and they proceed to go outside and found the two boys with handful of snacks.

"did you buy the whole store for him, gyuvinah?" jiwoong teased as he snatched one of the snacks from gyuvin.

"gimme some too.. matcha! " Ricky whined as he found his favorite snack.

"ah yes you're welcome. That was for you.." gyuvin rolled his eyes which emitted a laugh out of jiwoong.

"ah boys, we've got the camera and now all that's left to do is to go safely place them there.." jiwoong said and the others nodded their heads.

"wah our hyung must be rich to afford these cameras.." yujin teased.

"gyuvin ah, didnt you know about hyung being rich despite being his friend and roommate for so long?" Ricky asked but gyuvin shook his head.

"so, let's get going.." jiwoong continued.

"like..right now?" gyuvin asked raising his eyebrows.

"uh yes. Get your lazy ass up and get ready while I bring the cameras.." jiwoong rushed into his room to take out the package and hurried to the living room.

They then walked to the abandoned building.

"ew, this place stinks.." yujin gagged as he covered his nose.

"so, let's place one here.." jiwoong said pointing to a narrow hole hidden next to the entrance..

They then proceeded to take a look around the only floor and it had about 3 rooms which was perfect since he had received only 4 cameras..

It was in a ruined condition. There were old pictures hanging, ragged dolls hanging from the ceiling and knifes laying all scattered around the rooms..

They checked for good hidden spots and slowly placed the cameras everywhere.

They carefully placed one camera in each room and made sure it was hidden from human sight..

The fact that the camera was wireless and only had to be connected to a phone made things much easier.

"achooo.." gyuvin sneezed rubbing his nose.

"being in such a place hurts my ego, hyung.." the young and rich guy spoke and jiwoong wasn't sure if he was being sarcastic.

Once everything was in place, he connected it to the unknown device which comes with it and checked if it's working.

He made sure to also connect his phone and when he could see all the cameras working, he smiled.

"we did it.. Now let's wait for everything to unfold.." jiwoong said and the guys let out sighs of joy..

The next day, when jiwoong woke up he checked the camera recordings to fins jisung's walking around the building late at night..
He looked like he was deep in his thoughts as if he was contemplating something.. A question of if's and or's.

The guy then abruptly flinches as he slaps himself and tends to self violence and grabs ahold of the sharp object which lay down as he pierced his skin, sighing in esctacy with the feeling of pain..

Jiwoong observed his actions and he was truly horrified. He could see the man let out a silent wail of cry as he pierced himself finding pleasure in seeing blood.

Jiwoong even questioned if this was the jisung's that he had talked to days ago.

Jiwoong gasped as he saw what the boy had drawn in his arms.

A rose. A maze and a triangle.

Jiwoong gasped as he ran towards the other three.

Ricky and gyuvin were playing games while yujin was watching them as he lay in the couch.

"look at this!" he gasped and the boys stopped looking at him.

He showed it to the boys who were equally shocked.

"if you had actually seen what happened before this, you would faint. His actions were horrific.." jiwoong said as Ricky patted him seeing the tears threatening to spill out of his face.

"t-this is our hint. A m-aze, a rose and a triangle." he let out and gyuvin jumped up.

"hyung.. It's so familiar.." gyuvin let out and jiwoong nodded.

jiwoong suddenly sprang up.

"so, that means this isn't his last spot! " jiwoongs eyes widened in realisation.

"what do you mean hyung?" Ricky asked.

"the triangle represents three abandoned buildings. If this is the second one, then there's one more left. And, what if the next one completes a triangle.. Then, in order to break the maze we should go to the centroid of this triangle where the rose lies.." jiwoong spoke out and the others clapped.

" wow.. Hyung.. You're a genius." they let out..

.... TBC....

THE MAZE 2 | RIWOONG | feat. Gyujin Zb1Where stories live. Discover now