Chapter 1

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(A/N: TW)
Bella's pov*
"Edward can we talk for a second" I asked him nervously since the family got out of the house for a little bit. Jasper, Emmett and Alice went shopping and Carlisle and I some went out for a while wanting some alone time. Rosalie though only went hunting since she has a project she was working on in her garage. I'm normally not here because Edward didn't want his siblings to know what went on in our relationship behind closed doors. Im only here because Rosalie wanted to help me with my truck and if not her then it would have been Jacob and that would have made Edward even more upset because he absolutely hated him. Although I was normally at my place since Charlie had died in the line of duty I had the place to myself. Esme has offered to take care of any bills and made sure I had enough money grab some groceries and what not. Ever since then Edward had changed dramatically and not in the good way but I was so terrified to end things because I was afraid he'd kill me. He'd get so upset if I spent so much time with his siblings so we always stayed here.
"Can't you see that I'm fucking busy bella god" snarled Edward making me flinch. I'm not sure if I should tell him but maybe it will be okaybecause Rosalie should be home soon hopefully and she would be able to help me.
"Edward please it's important" I stated honestly just wanting to get this over with.
"You want to talk bella you want to fucking talk then talk" said Edward as he grabbed me by my neck and pushed me against the wall.
"I-I'm breaking up w-with you" I stuttered absolutely terrified right now.
"Excuse me" asked Edward as he got closer to my face.
"I-I'm gay" I whispered knowing he could hear me and that's when all hell broke loose. He threw me to the ground and started beating me not using his full strength only because he knew his family would question him if I died. When the beating finally stopped I had thought that was the end of it but sadly I was mistaken because he started ripping my clothes off my body and I knew what was about to happen so I started screaming and crying but he covered my mouth so that nobody would hear me.
"You won't be when I'm through with you bella you'll be begging me for more" he said as his hands glided against my body as he gripped my breast roughly. Then after he was done he left jumped out of the window leaving me bloodied beaten and naked on his bedroom floor.

Rosalie's pov*
"Well so much for keeping myself tidy" I whispered to myself as I got closer to the house which as I got closer, I could smell blood and realizing that Edward was here alone with Bella had me rushing Inside and up the stairs. The smell of blood and sex was almost too much for me I knew I had great control but god. The second I got to Edwards room realizing that it was locked I broke the door down and the sight that greeted me made me glad I wasn't able to puke it looked like a war went on in here. Then I see Bella on the floor bloody, bruised and naked and Edward nowhere to be seen. She looked at me and tried to cover herself up but couldn't because how badly she hurt. Honestly if I wasn't able to hear her heartbeat, I would have thought she was dead.
"Shhh Bella it's okay your safe now I'm going to get you out of here okay do you know where Edward went" I asked gently with my hands raised in front of me, so she knew where they were at all times, and I made sure to not move fast in case I frightened her. She shook her head no and whimpered in pain I was planning on taking her to the hospital and then to the Denali coven I know they will help me protect Bella. With Edward being Esme's and Carlisle golden child, they would believe someone else had attacked Bella and would probably let Edward get his revenge on me for taking away his mate.
"Shhh it's okay bel I'm here but I'm going to grab you some clothes okay" I stated I was going to grab a pair of my shorts and a tank top.
"H-Hurry" whispered Bella so I rushed into my room hurried up and cleaned myself up and got her some clothes. I walked back into his room and put the clothes on the idiot's desk.
"I'm going to help you get dressed okay and I will tell you everything that I'm doing that way you feel safe okay and then when we are done I'm going to take you to the hospital then to Alaska the Denali coven will help you stay safe from Edward okay until we can find him and make him pay for hurting you" I said as I helped her get dressed making sure to let her know everything that I was doing.
"N-No hospital p-please " begged bella making me sigh.
"I'll be with you the whole time okay I just want to make sure you are okay" I said gently trying to convince her I just wanted to make sure she was okay.
"I-I need a p-plan B" whispered bella making my nonexistent heart break at what she went through at the hands of my supposed brother who was supposed to love and care for Bella.
"We will get that taken care of I promise I'm going to call the Denali coven and let them know to expect us now come on I'll carry you to the car" I said as I gently picked her up and took her to my car.

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