Chapter 2

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Tanya's pov*
"Someone is coming" I said once I heard someone running towards the house.
"Has to be Heidi since you said Rosalie was getting here by car" explained Kate as we all went outside to see Heidi coming towards us.
"The Denali Coven lovely to see you ladies and Eleazar I hope you don't mind me being here Rosalie called and said she wanted me to meet her here," said Heidi.
"That's fine with us from what Rosalie said that whatever happened to this human was pretty traumatizing for her, so we understand that you need to be near your mate" I said as we all went inside.
"I'm curious to know what the Cullen's minus my mate have done. I hope you understand that if they broke a rule the queens will hear about it, so you know anything Tanya" asked Heidi.
"Well, you see I honestly don't know much from what I understand is that Edward claimed that Bella was his mate and Rosalie found Bella on the floor in his room really hurt she didn't give us any details. So, I'm going on a limb here saying that Edward claimed a false mate bond with the human" I explained.
"Interesting that's the same thing Rosalie said," said Heidi.
"If you don't mind me asking how come Rosalie didn't tell you about the human so does that mean she's going to be punished for breaking a law like the Cullen's" asked Eleazar causing Heidi to growl at him fucking hell Eleazar why would you ask that. I watched as she grabbed him by the neck and squeezed, I could see cracks forming slightly.
"I would watch your mouth about what you say about my mate Eleazar. You assume I didn't know about the human, but I did the last time Rosalie visited the castle she informed us" explained Heidi as she let him go.
"I'm really sorry about that" I apologized as we sat down.
"It is fine Tanya no need to apologize on his behalf. I hope you understand I don't apologize for attacking him like that I'm really protective of my rose. I know everyone sees her as the ice queen, but she's been through a lot and I'm terrified of what we are about to find out. She sounded so scared on the phone with me that I didn't hesitate to go to the queens and ask them to come here" explained Heidi.
"I do have a question though how come Rosalie is with the Cullen's and not at the castle with you" asked Kate.
"She didn't feel comfortable being surrounded by so many human drinkers and I understand I wouldn't force her to do something she wasn't comfortable with" explained Heidi when we heard a car pulling up.
"Eleazar Carmen they are here I need you here now" I said.
"We wait inside the last thing we need is to overwhelm the poor girl" I said.
"Yes Tanya," said everyone.
"Great" I said.

Bella's pov*
"Bella we are here it's time to wake up" said Rosalie as she gently shook me to wake me up.
"Huh oh thanks" I said as I rubbed my eyes trying to wake myself up a little more.
"Come on my mate is here and I really need to see her" said Rosalie as she got out of the car then came over to my side to help me out of the car l. Once I was out of the car, I see a huge, beautiful cabin shockingly there isn't that many windows like the Cullens home had which didn't make since. I
"I promise they will keep you safe Bella they are a thousand years old Edward won't get through them especially past Kate" explained Rosalie as she helped me to the house.
"Are you ready" asked Rosalie once we made it to the door.
"Y-yes" I answered nervously as she knocked on the door.
"Hello Rosalie and Bella welcome to our home although I wish it was under better circumstances," said the shorter blonde.
"I agree I appreciate you letting us come here I just didn't know what else to do" explained Rosalie.
"It's honestly not a problem Rosalie now I'm Tanya the leader of the coven. That's Irina and over there is Kate then we have Eleazar and Carmen" explained Tanya as I looked at each of them but when I locked eyes with Kate everything else just vanished, she was absolutely stunning. She let out a gasp and stood up and walked closer to me making me slightly nervous.
"Hello miláčik id shake your hand but I don't know if my gift could hurt you" said Kate with a slight frown on her face.
"Edwards gift doesn't work on her and Alice can't see her sometimes so I'm sure your gift won't work on her" said Rosalie who was sitting in Heidi's lap.
"You are extremely special then" said Kate with a beautiful smile on her face as she held out her hand waiting for me to make the first move which I greatly appreciated.
"I'm not that special " I said as I grabbed her hand and I couldn't believe how soft her hands felt in mine. Edwards hands always felt to cold and rough that I never really enjoyed holding his hand for long periods of time.
"She's a shield a mental and physical one" said Eleazar making me flinch but I could feel Kate caressing my hand gently which calmed me down.
"C-can I use someone's shower I feel gross" I asked nervously.
"You can use mine why don't you follow me and I'll show you to my room" explained Kate as she led me upstairs to her room.
"Anything that's in there you can use I'm not sure if you brought any clothes with you but I can let you borrow some of my clothes" explained Kate.
"Y-your clothes will be fine" I said which she gave me a big smile in response.

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