Chapter 4

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Bella's pov*
"Are you okay Kate" I asked her we were currently laying in her bed trying to relax before it was time for her and the others to either fight or talk. I'm hoping they fight because I'm excited to see what Kate is like in the middle of battle. Tanya says that Kate can be pretty brutal when it comes to fighting.
"Of course I'm okay I'm more worried about you today is going to be crazy for you and I want to make sure you feel relaxed right now and not stressed let me shoulder some of your pain okay. I want you to know that you are no longer alone okay I'll always be right by your side through thick and thin and if you need a break after this we can go on a little trip we can invite Heidi and Rosalie too if Heidi doesn't have to go back to the castle" suggested Kate.
"You know Kate every minute we spend together I realize that I'm your priority. My happiness, my safety and whatever else it feels nice to be truly seen. You don't make me feel less because I'm human but Kate I want you to make sure you feel safe or you feel happy as well. You've become so important to me so quickly I don't want to think about how badly this thing going on could turn out. So yes I would like to go away for awhile and we can invite Rosalie and Heidi as well I feel bad that I triggered Rosalie so bad" I said with a frown at how often I've seen Rosalie flinch when someone touches her unexpectedly.
"You personally didn't trigger her bella the situation did because it hit to close to home for her but maybe you should talk to Rosalie just the two of you without anyone bothering you guys the both of you went through something traumatic it's okay to lean on each other through this because none of us can truly understand what you have been through except for Rosalie so how about here in a little bit you talk to Rosalie and after that bring up the vacation she'll say yes after that" explained Kate.
"Do you think there will be a fight" I asked.
"With Edward and the wolves most likely I'm pretty certain once The cullens see Athenodora here they won't fight it's one thing to start a war with another another coven but creating a war with the queens is a deadly war to be fought far more deadly than you can imagine" explained Kate.
"Yet I'm sure you were brutal as a warrior in your human years" I said.
"I was yes I train almost everyday to stay on top of my skills especially when I found my mate I wanted to make sure I was able to protect whoever my mate was. When a mate of a vampire dies nothing will stop the other person from seeking revenge they go crazy or they follow there mate in the afterlife because the pain of losing your mate is extremely painful. You see Bella with you being human my instincts are screaming at me not to let you near any unmated vampires it puts me on edge when I see people touching you to keep you safe from any possible threat. I want to turn you so desperately but i won't turn you until you have had some time to cope to heal after what happened it didn't turn out great for Rosalie Carlisle is really lucky with that. She could have destroyed everything in her hurt and rage nobody would have been able to stop her if she wanted to as a newborn she would have been deadly" explained Kate.

Tanya's pov*
"My Queen are you okay" I asked when I noticed her staring lost in thought.
"Yes Tanya this is the first time I've been away from my mates for so long. I can see why you chose to have your coven stay here the view is absolutely breathtaking and you have a lovely home. I appreciate you letting me join your coven if this turns out to be a fight and I appreciate you letting me stay here I know you hate the Volturi for killing your sire" said Athenodora.
"We weren't upset because of that she broke the law but my sisters and I at the time couldn't understand why we weren't enough for her but we hold no grudges she broke the law and paid the price for it. My mother died after she gave birth to my brother I was still pretty young at the time. I craved the affection from a motherly figure and after so many years Sasha showed up and now that I think about it she used that to her advantage. I couldn't understand why she chose to turn Kate and irina I was so upset because I had all of her attention and then I had to share it with two more people but I wouldn't trade irina and Kate for anything in the world. I would gladly sacrifice my life if it meant my sisters would be safe. They are everything I wanted in life and they will always be enough for me " I explained.
"Tanya you are an amazing coven leader. You created a family here not Sasha you did. I can see how much your coven love each other sure there's some arguments but because what family doesn't have arguments. You and your sisters argue like true sisters I don't need a gift to see the bond you guys have with each other. You should be proud of everything that you've done for this coven" explained Athenodora.
"Thank you my Queen speaking of mates have you talked to them since you've been here" I asked.
"Yeah they called earlier to make sure I was okay and to make sure I haven't killed anyone yet" laughed Athenodora.
"What are you going to do with the Cullen coven minus Rosalie" I asked.
"They will be staying at the castle until I can be sure that they can be out in the real world and follow our law. The second Isabella knew of our secret they should have changed her. The fact they tried to silence Rosalie from telling bella that Edward wasn't her mate was wrong. I won't stop Kate or Heidi from seeking revenge against Edward or Carlisle I'll make sure nobody takes that away from them" said Athenodora when we heard cars coming.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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