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Heidi's pov*
"Meeting time" I shouted wanting to let everyone know what the queens have said. Bella and I spoke earlier about informing the Queens of what is going on and she agreed that it was necessary and that she was fine with whatever they decided as long as she didn't have to go to the castle since she wasn't comfortable being around so many men and human drinkers who didn't have much control because she's been told many times how good her blood smelled by Edward she didn't want to take a chance.
"What's going on" asked Tanya.
"I have informed the Queens of what has been going on and since they have been informed about the wolves a long time ago, they feel like the Cullen's will use them to help get Bella back to forks. So, it was decided that Athenodora will be coming because she wants a chance to fight these wolves to see how much of a threat they really are. She said she would be here in 10 hours or so and that when she gets close enough, we can inform the Cullen's that they are here" I explained.
"Is it really safe for her to be here" asked Eleazar.
"Why wouldn't it be" I asked confused.
"Well, there's a high possibility we will be fighting shifters when's the last time any of us has fought a shifter" explained Eleazar. He does have a good point who knows what these shifters are actually capable of.
"Good point is anyone down for some training then" I asked.
"Can it wait till later I promised Bella that I would take her to explore the library here said she needs a couple books since she left everything at her house" explained Kate.
"You Kate are actually going to the library," laughed Irina.
"Yes Kate it can wait to later but Kate, I know you don't want to rush things with Bella you need to let her know she's your mate. It's better for her to hear it from you than from someone else" I explained.
"Yeah like that will go well what if she rejects me I'm not living a life without my mate I hope you guys understand that. A life without Bella in it is not something I want to experience" explained Kate causing Tanya and Irina to go comfort her.
"She won't reject you Kate I promise she'll need time yes but she'll accept that she's your mate but she won't be ready to hop into a relationship with you right away" explained Rosalie.
"Don't promise me something you don't know please" whispered Kate when we heard a bedroom door open.
"Is Kate here" we heard Bella ask and we can tell she has been screaming and crying and at times like this I wish Tanya didn't make these rooms soundproof.
"I'm here little one" said Kate before rushing to Bella.

Alice's pov*
"I have informed the shifters that Bella is missing possibly severely injured and that there was a high chance Rosalie is responsible for it" I said.
"Why would you get them involved" growled Edward.
"Well considering Bella is friends with Jacob he has the right to know besides they could help us get her back. We all know Rosalie is with her mate so she says what if her mate is in the Denali coven and she has taken Bella there we can't fight the Denali coven without some help I'm sorry but in case you forgot they are much more older than us and more experienced than us the hardest one that we are going to have to fight is Kate and not just because of her gift she was a warrior for so many years we aren't going to be able to do anything without help and god forbid we go to the queens about this because someone doesn't want to tell them what is going on" I said.
"We don't even know if they are at the Denali coven" explained Edward getting frustrated.
"Where else could they fucking be we all know how close Rosalie is with the sisters" said Emmett.
"There's no need to fight guys besides we already talked to them they said no and then hung up really quickly might I point out" said Esme.
"A clear sign that they have to be there" stated Jasper.
"Alice how come you just don't look into their future or have a vision about them" asked Carlisle.
"Because unless they were in danger they made me swear to not look into them" I explained.
"Come on Alice this is serious tell me you aren't curious to see where Bella is at or even Rosalie" stated Edward.
"I mean I have to agree with Edward here it would make things a lot simpler" explained Emmett.
"Yeah you are right but I swore on my life" I explained.
"Alice for the love of god" stated Edward.
"Fine" I said as I forced a vision and I see nothing which means one they are dead or they are getting around my visions so that I can't see them.
"I see nothing and they could be not making any decisions" I explained.
"Look the wolves are here so let's talk with them first before anything else we need to make sure they are willing to help us because if not then there isn't much we can do" explained Carlisle as we went outside to greet the shifters.
"How could you let something like this happen" asked Sam.
"We've known Rosalie for a long time we didn't think it was possible for her to do this" explained Carlisle.
"Tell us exactly what happened" asked Jacob and I could tell he was holding back on his anger.
"Bella and I were hanging out in my room she was reading while I was going through my music stuff. Everyone was gone but Rosalie she went hunting so she could stay home and work on her cars. I had decided to go hunting for a little bit but when I came back there was blood in my room Bella was missing and Rosalie was gone" explained Edward.
"Look mates are really important in the vampire world if someone claims another vampires mate or even hurts said mate of a vampire it could lead to death and we need your help getting Bella back if she is hurt we need to act fast" explained Carlisle.
"I'm still not understanding why we are here" said Sam.
"I'm sorry but I thought Bella was friends with one of you. We are going to need help fighting to get Bella back but we need to let Edward deal with Rosalie. You guys talk about wanting to kill vampires now is your chance please help us" stated Emmett.
"Besides if Rosalie can take Edwards mate who says she won't come back here and take one of your imprints she needs to die and so does whoever is protecting her" stated Edward.

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